This Is a Think Piece

Something happened. Here’s what you think about it.

Dan Hon
4 min readAug 27, 2018
This illustration was chosen because it looks meaningful and is aesthetically pleasing. Photo: Ben Chun via flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

The thing that happened really matters. Or doesn’t. The only way to learn whether it does or not is to read this think piece.

By reading this think piece, you’ll learn that what you thought happened didn’t actually happen. Only people who aren’t smart will think that what they thought happened, happened. While it is true that on some level, yes, that thing happened, what actually happened was something a lot more important. Only smart people — the kind who read this think piece — will understand what actually happened and realize its true importance.

The reason why what happened is important is because of this number:

Photo: NASA

In this paragraph, you should start to feel confirmed in your belief of how smart and informed you are. There will be a reference to the Peter Principle. You know people to whom the Peter Principle applies, and you also like to read articles that know when to use the word “whom.”

You are not a Peter.

This is the middle part of the think piece

