at papa’s deathbed

Katie Simpson
1 min readDec 20, 2018


Jacob Blesses His Sons and Prophesies on His Deathbed. Source

And Jacob called his sons and said, “Come together that I may tell you what is to befall you in days to come.”- Genesis 49:1

papa can we have a moment
before the future arrives
before the fire leaves your eyes?

once we had campfire nights
even now woodsmoke makes me
eager as a boy waiting
for your stories of angels
at paradise’s gates
of a flood hiding the world

how the mamas smiled
indulging you
how i dreamed your stories
through the night

papa, when did your stride
become a limp?
how long have your shoulders
curved toward the earth?
wasn’t it just yesterday
when you were my giant
against the sky?

tonight your body bends
back to the earth
and your eyes dim
a fire before dawn

listen papa, listen
we never needed prophecies
to bend
our knees already crooked in grief

papa can we have a moment
just a moment more
before the future arrives
before the fire flees your eyes?

A/N: Love my poetry? Coffee is my love language.

