Why All Women Should Be Pissed About Amy Schumer

Honey & Rue Podcast
2 min readOct 26, 2016

In the wake of Amy Schumer’s ridiculous, insensitive and racist video parody of Beyonce’s Formation, Twitter was ablaze, as Black women everywhere lambasted Schumer for cultural appropriation and opined on the reasons for which the white feminist movement is at odds with Black womanism. But as I digested the wave of criticism coming Schumer’s way, only one question turned over and over again in my mind: who the hell ever said that Amy Schumer was a feminist?

Drowning in the daily clusterf*ck that is full-time working motherhood, I figured maybe I just wasn’t in the loop on Schumer’s numerous accomplishments in the area of feminism — her humanitarian work with elderly women in Kenya, her tête-à-tête with in Malala Yousafzai in London, her celebrity ambassadorship on behalf of CARE. So I did what any uninformed person would do — I took to Google (keywords: “Amy Schumer feminism”). And while (surprise!) I didn’t find the announcement about Schumer’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination, I did find numerous articles that adeptly pointed out how Schumer (along with her buddy Lena Dunham — poor OBJ) is NOT a feminist — an anti-feminist, in fact. Phew! Looks as if I didn’t miss the memo after all.

So yes, all of the points raised regarding the conflict between the upper-middle class brand of white feminism and the long history of Black womanism are very much with merit. However, when it comes to Amy Schumer, the simple fact is this: she isn’t a feminist, people!! Gloria Steinem? A feminist. Simone de Beauvoir? A feminist. 45th president of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton? A feminist. Amy Schumer? Just another misguided comedienne who makes a living from self-deprecation and from projecting her insecurities on others (in this case, Black women).

HBW Out.

Hangry Black Woman here (aka, the Notorious R.U.E.) Check out Honey & Rue Podcast. Available on iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM and Tune In.



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