Nothing You Believe is True

Or, you have to have gone to college to be that stupid.

Mike Honeycutt
4 min readFeb 16, 2023
Saying that men and women are the same is probably the result of an advanced degree. Or successful brainwashing.

Why are we as a society beset by these these things that everyone knows isn’t true yet we are forced to at least pretend to go along with?

Anyone who has kids, been around kids or even remembers their own childhood knows that boys and girls aren’t the same. They don’t act the same or have the same interests. This is simply true, and no amount of brainwashing or wishing it were otherwise changes the truth.

Men and women are separate, unique and special in their own ways. For years the feminist movement was dedicated to that notion. That women are distinct and bring something unique to the table that men do not possess. I think that is undoubtedly true. Things can be equal without being the same.

What I have trouble with is the current argument that men and women are the same. That there is nothing distinctly unique or different between the genders and we are all simply interchangeable. As far as I can tell, this current version of so called feminists bear no relation to the feminism of yesterday and that isn’t just my opinion. Today’s feminists will tell you that too.

In fact, they go so far as to have a derogatory name for women who think there is something unique and special about their gender and their life experience; Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists or TERF. Notice that it is the traditional feminist, not this new uber progressive version, that is “radical”. And not just radical, but exclusionary as well. Well, that’s two unforgivable sins against the religion of things that just became unquestionable like two weeks ago.

From Wikipedia. I note that the link to “radical feminists” refers to actual feminists who believe women are women.

I didn’t start this article with the intent of delving into the trans debate, but given it’s sudden prominence I don’t see how it can be avoided. So intertwined is it in the current pop culture that no discussion on gender is complete without it. I’m not sure there is a an argument that men and women are the same that doesn’t revolve around the trans issue, and the trans issue requires that people do not, under any circumstances, acknowledge inherent differences between the two genders. Which again, is the antithesis of what everyone knew to be true until just recently.

But don’t call the trans activists radicals. You’re the radical. Or so they say on social media. Just ask J.K. Rowling.

This person also said that stereotypes are bad.

What I really found interesting, is the arguments coming from the same person who took exception to my series on Toxic Masculinity. This author, who I note has not one, but two advanced degrees, both argues that there is no, or minimal, difference between men and women and also, “men [are] the LARGEST PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM ON THE PLANET”.

Which as a layperson I find confusing. Maybe you do too. If we’re the same, then why are these awful things just being attributed to men? Even conceding the point that some men do terrible things, why is it just men? Why aren’t women doing these things?

And if men are so terrible and violent and abusive, why aren’t women all chained to their stoves right now? What keeps these terrible men from just running rampant and having their way? Why aren’t we living in Thunder Dome (which ironically was ruled over by a fantastic Tina Turner)? Hint: The answer is not man bun wearing, homeless or hipster guessing game contestant male feminists.

From Google. A picture of not a woman.

And no, it is not lost on me that as a cis- het- white male conservative, that I am now trying to conserve the feminist movement against those who are trying to erase women.

Perhaps this will become a running series on things that overeducated people think are true and want to force the rest of us to go along with. That was never my intent with this platform, but so be it. This modern fascism that wants to force us to believe that this is person is a woman who should be educating school children cannot be left unchallenged. You can believe whatever you want to believe. You cannot make me believe it too.



Mike Honeycutt

Two time vet, pre and post-9/11, former cop in a reasonably large city. Currently writing my first novel.