Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities — Voltaire

Mike Honeycutt
4 min readFeb 16, 2023


In my last article I asked the question of why society seems intent on forcing normal people to believe things they know aren’t true. As long as I’m on the topic let’s just keep on heading over to the deep end of the pool shall we?

Why do “they” have to make everything some sort of existential emergency where people will “LITERALLY DIE” if you don’t engage in their current fabricated crisis? Power.

I’m probably supposed to wait till the end to give the answer but I like getting things out of the way right up front. They want power and aren’t afraid to lie to get it. In fact they must lie. They must distort. They must attack you and your beliefs to keep you on the defensive. To wear you down and demoralize you. To make you agree to eat the bugs to fix the weather just so you can get a moment’s peace. Only you will never get that moment of peace. Because once you start eating bugs there will be another demand of you. I’m not twisted enough to know what that demand will be, but I guarantee it will have mean you have to give up more of your liberty, comfort and dignity.

If it’s not eating bugs to fix the weather it’s being forced to say that men have periods and not saying that women have penises is “LITERALLY MURDER YOU TRANSPHOBE”. Maybe you have to be on Twitter to get that reference.

Also, stop driving gas powered cars and trucks. Drive (coal powered) electric vehicles that have crap range and can’t tow anything. And also, we can’t keep the power on to charge them. And also, people are starting to notice how destructive mining the toxic components for EV batteries is; that there literally (I mean it this time) aren’t enough rare minerals on the planet to build enough batteries to replace gas cars; and EV batteries catch fire, can’t be recycled and are enormously expensive to replace so nobody wants to buy them. So that thing they said about not driving gas powered cars? Yeah, forget that. Just don’t drive at all. “It’s for the weather, and not because we want to force you onto mass transit that we control. And oh, by the way, let’s just check your social credit score before letting you on the bus.”

Normal speech is violence and #BLM/antifa violence is speech and don’t you dare say otherwise you racist!

Yes of course the police are racist and remnants of slavery and how dare you think putting criminals in jail is a good thing! Carjackings in the suburbs are a blessing of diversity and simply a reallocation of goods to the needy.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has seen these things and it feels like it’s everywhere and everything. You’re just trying to get through the day, go to work, feed the kids, watch a little TV and be left alone so you can do it again tomorrow. But what do you get all day? Things you’re either supposed to be outrageously outraged about or feel guilty over or both. If they can’t convert you, they want you too demoralized to stand up for yourself. So they attack you and your beliefs on every front. Demoralize and shame you into going along with what everyone knows to be lies.

So why all of this all the time? Yes they want power, but we’re used to changes of power. One party is there for a few years then the other, no big whoop. But that’s not the kind of power they want. They want it all. They need it all. In fact they deserve it because they are better and smarter. You peasants don’t know how to save the planet from global cooling/acid rain/ozone hole/global warming/climate change/#climatecrisis!

Everything must be an existential threat all the time to make the believers think that they are fighting actual Nazis! People will die if they don’t do what the 13 year old weather expert says! So what does that make normal people who don’t care or are unwilling to go along?

A threat. An enemy. Someone who is literally killing the planet by driving and murdering trans people by not having pronouns in their email signature!

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities — Voltaire

Just a random picture. Totally not related to anything in this article.



Mike Honeycutt

Two time vet, pre and post-9/11, former cop in a reasonably large city. Currently writing my first novel.