What is warehouse?

2 min readFeb 25, 2022


A warehouse is a physical space where raw materials, semi-finished or finished products are deposited waiting to be transferred to the next cycle in the distribution chain. It also acts as a regulator of the flow of goods between availability and the need of manufacturers, traders and consumers.

What is the definition of warehouse?

The warehouse is a facility that, together with the storage, handling, human and management equipment, makes it possible to regulate the differences between incoming goods flows (received from suppliers, manufacturing centers, etc.) and outgoing goods. (goods sent to production, for sale, etc.).

What do you do in a warehouse?

Receipt of all products covered by the industrial activity of the company that owns the warehouse. The execution of an immediate quality control. Control and registration of stored products. Correct storage of goods.

What are the types of warehouse?

The three main forms of storage are:
own. This type of storage, as the name implies, is carried out by the company itself. …
Outsourced. Outsourcing storage is very common and is an advantageous option for most companies. …
contracted. …
Space layout. …
costs. …
Localization. …
What is a warehouse and what types?
Of the different types of warehouse, the warehouse itself is one of the best known and many companies try to work with it initially. An own warehouse is owned by the company or rented. Unlike shared storage, leasing gives you unrestricted access to space and lets the company use the entire warehouse.

What costs are there in a leased warehouse?

To make this calculation, it is important not only to consider the rent of the space (if necessary) but also the expenses with: IPTU (and other taxes), electricity, water, security, etc. If the space is rented, this cost will most likely be one of the factors that will most influence the final cost of storage.

What are the factors that define the types of stores?

Equipment, machines, type of service and product are variables that define the type of storage suitable for each company. The search for productivity must remain a fundamental factor in choosing the best system.

What are the advantages of owning a warehouse?

Regular training is essential to always have the best procedures. An own warehouse allows greater possibilities for changes. This facility is not necessarily located within the company’s premises, since the strategic logistics issue is considered.

What are the storage activities in the warehouse?

Storage is the set of activities in an environment intended for the temporary storage and distribution of items and materials, such as warehouses, Forklift Repair click here. warehouses, etc. In terms of storage, these are activities intended for the flow of materials between the warehouse and the point for the static location of the items.

What activities make up the storage system?

We can conclude that storage is a set of functions that include reception, unloading, loading, storage and conservation of raw materials, finished or semi-finished products. We have seen that there are three activities that make up storage: receiving, storage and distribution.

