DZD economic model:DAO

1 min readOct 23, 2022


Total amount issued: 14131 pieces Circulation: 14131 pieces, each of which accounts for 4%

Holding DZDs in the wallet, we will produce YYD at a ratio of 1:1 every day. The LP pool that adds DZDs will get YYD at a ratio of 1:1.2 every day until the whole network unlocks 1 million YYDs, which will last about 100 days.

Handling charge: 3% for each sale, the joint shareholders are entitled to a weighted distribution of 1% (USDT), and the pledged NFT is entitled to a daily service charge of 3% dividends of USDT.Total amount issued: 10 million pieces issued at a price of 1USDT Service charge: 4% for purchase and 5% for sale 10% (1 million pieces) will be injected into the bottom pool through DZD coin mining and community reward YYD. When all 1 million pieces are produced, the transaction will be automatically started! 90% (9 million pieces). After the transaction is automatically started, it will be produced through the second stage of DZD and YYD liquidity mining! Contract address: 0xeb6a3e241bf6bef35f22241d91e74604a65ade13

