Just Another Day In The Pandemic
A poem about the noises outside
The noise outside
Me of a normal day in May.
The trucks back up at 5am to drop off their wares
Multiple multilingual voices shout in the street, out
And about
The birds that my cats watch, tease — and
Make their poopy nests in the eaves.
A honking car horn, after the fact
Sirens to the hospital across the street make my
Heart race, every time
A bike gear’s tiny clicks
Clanging displaces an unsteady, unidentified steel plate
On the torn asphalt street
Some damn thing beeping in the background
A radio blaring
The beat in time with the heat
The gush of air as the bus lowers itself to the ground
To let passengers off
Then the silent rush of rain
The way tires pick up slick droplets and lay them back down