ML Monitoring vs. ML Observability: Understanding the Differences

Raphaël Hoogvliets
Marvelous MLOps
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2023

Monitoring and observability are two terms frequently discussed in the realm of AI/ML systems. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are important distinctions between the two concepts. In this article, we will explore the definitions and nuances of AI/ML monitoring and observability, shedding light on their roles and significance in today's machine learning landscape.

Defining Monitoring and Observability
Let's start by clarifying the definitions of monitoring and observability in the context of AI/ML systems. Monitoring typically refers to the practice of conducting low-level surveillance of the model. It involves tracking various metrics, generating alerts, and presenting data through dashboards. Monitoring focuses on identifying potential issues or anomalies and ensuring that the model operates within expected boundaries. It primarily serves as a reactive measure to detect problems in the model's performance or behavior.

On the other hand, observability provides a high-level overview that extends beyond mere monitoring. It aims to provide model owners with a comprehensive understanding of the system's health, performance, and behavior. Observability encompasses not only the model but also the associated data, infrastructure, and code. It facilitates troubleshooting and root cause analysis, allowing stakeholders to delve into the reasons behind issues detected by monitoring. Observability empowers model owners to gain insights into the inner workings of the AI/ML system, enabling them to make informed decisions about model improvements, optimizations and reworkings.

Distinguishing Factors
Several factors set monitoring and observability apart.

1. Intent: Monitoring primarily aims to raise alerts and notify stakeholders when an issue arises. Observability goes beyond that by enabling stakeholders to investigate the reasons behind the alerts, understand the root causes of problems, and devise strategies to enhance or adjust the model's performance.

2. Scope: Monitoring predominantly focuses on tracking and analyzing low-level metrics specific to the model’s performance, such as accuracy, latency, and resource utilization. Observability, on the other hand, broadens the scope to encompass the entire system, including input data, infrastructure, and code.

3. Levels: Within the context of AI/ML systems, monitoring can be categorized into model-level and system-level monitoring. Model-level monitoring focuses on analyzing the behavior and performance of the model itself. System-level monitoring, however, takes into account the overall AI/ML system, including infrastructure, data pipelines, and business metrics. Observability is often associated with system-level monitoring due to its holistic perspective on the entire AI/ML system.

4. Integration: While monitoring tools and solutions are readily available, achieving true observability often requires integration between multiple tools and systems. A single solution that offers complete observability across all aspects of an AI/ML system is currently scarce in the market. Nonetheless, organizations strive to establish integrations between various monitoring and observability tools to gain a comprehensive understanding of their AI/ML systems.

The Significance of ML Observability
ML observability plays a vital role in enhancing the reliability, explainability, and maintainability of AI/ML systems. By offering a high-level overview of the system's performance, observability enables stakeholders to detect, diagnose, and troubleshoot issues effectively. Here are a few key benefits of ML observability:

1. Root Cause Analysis: Observability empowers stakeholders to investigate the underlying causes of issues. It enables them to trace the lineage of data, understand the model's behavior, and identify potential sources of problems. This knowledge is invaluable for improving model performance and addressing critical issues.

2. Model Improvement: With observability, stakeholders can gain insights into the model's health, stability, and accuracy. This information helps in making informed decisions regarding model retraining, feature engineering, or architecture adjustments. Observability acts as a guiding light for model improvements and optimizations.

3. Holistic System Understanding: Observability allows stakeholders to view the AI/ML system as a whole. It combines information from different layers, such as infrastructure, code, data, and business metrics. This holistic perspective provides a comprehensive understanding of system behavior, facilitating better decision-making and problem-solving.

Monitoring and observability are two vital components of AI/ML systems. While monitoring provides real-time surveillance and alerts for potential issues, observability offers a higher-level overview, enabling stakeholders to understand the system's behavior, detect problems, and improve model performance. By embracing observability, organizations can gain end-to-end visibility into their AI/ML systems, fostering reliability, explainability, and optimization. As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, monitoring and observability will play an increasingly important role in ensuring the success of AI-driven applications.

This article was inspired by a really amazing discussion in the slack. I would like to thank Médéric Hurier (Fmind) for asking this great question! And all the others for sharing their thoughts. Thanks to: Bonet, Ed Shee, Claire Longo, A Soellinger, Phillip Carter and Colin Goyette!

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Raphaël Hoogvliets
Marvelous MLOps

Building data science and MLOps teams // fostering great culture