Why It’s A Good Idea To Work Out On Valentine’s Day

3 min readFeb 13, 2016


Want to know what to do this Valentine’s Day to ensure it’s not only awesome, but will probably, make you lucky, too? Exercise before you go out.

What’s that? You think Valentine’s Day is a hollow corporate invention manufactured by business people trying to commodify love? Please enlighten us. It’s not like we’ve heard that one before.

Because we here at hoolio want you to have the best Valentine’s Day ever, we’ve made a list of some not-so-obvious advantages of a pre-Valentine’s workout. Obviously working out a few hours before going on your date, won’t give you that flat stomach, but there are some perks you may not have thought of.

1) Enjoy Your Chocolate Guilt-Free

Whether you have a date or not, Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to eat lots of chocolate because chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions. And guess what? You’re going to feel less guilty about it if you’ve had a cheeky workout session earlier in the day. Yep. That’s sounds like the definition of a win-win situation.

2) You’ll Be Ready To Conquer The World

Confidence is the most attractive quality a person can possess. If you exercise before going out, your body will release endorphins otherwise known as “feel-good hormones” that will not only make you feel like a million bucks, but they will also give you a killer posture and get rid of those pre-date jitters.

Side effects may include: mephobia. That’s the fear of exuding so much confidence that the human race can’t handle it and everyone dies. Please proceed with caution.

3) Avoid A Cringe-Worthy Proposal

So you’ve found the girl (or guy) you want to marry and intend on being the cheesiest person ever by popping the question on Valentine’s day? Congrats! However, there’s still one huge hurdle to get over and it’s not getting them to spend the rest of their life with you. It’s actually making sure you can get back up after going down on one knee. And this is where that pre-date workout comes in handy! If you want to save yourself major embarrassment, make sure you get those lunge and squat workouts in beforehand. You’re welcome.

4) Practice For Your Favourite “Workout”

If you’re hoping to get “sweaty with your sweetheart” at the end of your date night, then a quick and fun workout session will help you test out your stamina, making sure you can go all night loooonnnng. And by getting sweaty we don’t mean doing HIIT or Zumba with your partner. We are talking about the horizontal mambo, the two person push ups, the midnight organ fight.

Looking for the perfect pre-date video workouts?

We got you covered. Just head over to hoolio for an awesome list of videos.

What other advantages are there for exercising on Valentine’s Day? Please let us know below.

