Designing for Familiarity: The Impact of Skeuomorphism in Interaction Design

Hooman Ahmadi
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Skeuomorphism in product design bridges the digital-physical divide by mimicking real-world objects within digital interfaces. This approach enhances user interaction by fostering familiarity and providing visual cues. This essay explores the significance of skeuomorphism, focusing on its role in improving affordance and user experience through a practical example.

What is skeuomorphism?

Skeuomorphism is a design method that imitates real-world objects in digital interfaces. It’s used to make users feel familiar and understand how to interact with digital elements by mimicking physical objects.

Why do we use skeuomorphism in product design?

  • Familiarity: It leverages users’ familiarity with real-world objects, making digital interfaces more intuitive and easier to understand.
  • Affordance: Skeuomorphic elements provide visual cues that suggest how users should interact with them, enhancing usability.
  • Emotional appeal: Skeuomorphic designs can evoke emotions and nostalgia associated with physical objects, creating a more engaging user experience.
Examples of skeuomorphism in icon and app design

How skeuomorphism improved the affordance in our product?

Skeuomorphism and affordance are closely intertwined concepts in product design. When a design element deviates slightly from the rest of the interface, users may become confused about its purpose or how to use it. In such cases, skeuomorphism can serve as a savior by providing a bridge between the digital and physical worlds. By incorporating familiar real-world elements into the design, users can relate to them more easily and understand how to interact with them intuitively. This allows users to apply their existing knowledge of real-world interactions to the digital environment, enhancing usability and affordance in the user experience.

In our project, we needed to design a joystick for camera control, which stood out from other interface elements. To ensure intuitive interaction, we applied skeuomorphic design principles, modeling the joystick after real-world controllers. This approach allowed users to engage with the product seamlessly, leveraging their existing familiarity with physical joysticks for camera control. As a result, users could navigate the interface as naturally as they would with a real-world device.


In summary, skeuomorphism is a powerful tool for product designers, enhancing user experience by integrating real-world functionalities into digital interfaces. Through our exploration of a camera control joystick project, we’ve witnessed how skeuomorphism improves affordance, guiding users intuitively. As technology advances, skeuomorphism remains essential for creating user-friendly interfaces that resonate with users.

