hooman rezaee
4 min readFeb 21, 2019

Looking for a gift to blow your pup’s mind? Spoil them with a BarkBox! Every month BarkBox delivers 2 original toys, designed in-house, 2 full bags of all-natural treats, and a chew. Our treats are made in the USA and Canada, and our recipes never contain any wheat, soy, or corn. Because we want #BarkBoxDay to be incredible for pups AND their parents, every box is wrapped in a fun surprise theme that changes monthly. Sign up here and receive a free extra toy every month. ← This deal is worth up to $120 in value if you sign up for a 12-month subscription! :)


Dream interpretation is a subjective art, not an exact science, and symbols interact with each other to create possible meaning.

Animal dreams symbolize your basic feelings, behaviors, and reactions. They are dreams about instinct, often repressed or overlooked, and frequently reveal the shadow side of a person’s everyday self.

Source: @tiffanymaloney

These dream animals are often indicators of a self you hide during the day and can help you get to the essence of problems and feelings.

Source: Alicja Zmylowska

Dog dreams often have to do with the basic instinct towards friendship, loyalty, and protection. Sometimes the dog will represent you, the dreamer, while other times they will stand in for people in your life.

Source: @thenomadcreative

Aggressive dogs in dreams have a variety of meanings depending on context. It could be that you or someone you know is being disloyal, that you have an inner conflict, or that someone in your life is untrustworthy.

Source: Indulgy

A happily barking dog is a symbol of social pleasure and acceptance into a group. If, on the other hand, the dog is barking angrily it could be that you are demanding and controlling.

Source: PhotoAllegory of Sarolta Ban

Getting a dog in your dream can mean that you are lonely and need to find more friends.

Source: Alicja Zmyslowska

If you are part of a pack of dogs in your dream it could be that you are searching to belong and may mean that you need to reconnect with your family.

Source: @cantgetinuff

Rubbing the belly of a dog symbolizes a relationship in which you feel at ease and totally trust the other person.

Source: @elliottarian

Puppies represent your ability to nurture.

Source: @snackleaf

Some breeds have specific meanings:


Source: @eve_sleep

People who dream of Dachshunds are grounded and rational. These dreams highlight loyalty and devotion to other people and causes.

German Shepherd

If you dream about German Shepherds you are feeling protective and alert. Dreams about training German Shepherds highlight your openness to ideas, but may also point to you being easily influenced by other.

Golden Retriever

Source: @golden_george_

It is well known that Goldens are considered one of the friendliest and most loyal dogs. Dreaming of them is a good omen about an important friendship.

Remember that these dream dogs can be stand-ins for dogs in your life, yourself, or someone who has dog-like qualities. Sweet dreams!

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