5 Reasons Why Most MVPs Fail — Lessons I’ve Learned as a Product Designer

Hoorakhsh Pb
4 min readMay 14, 2024

Let’s be honest, MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) are a bit of a gamble. They’re our little test balloons, sent out into the world to see if the product idea actually has legs.

But as a product designer, I’ve seen my fair share of MVPs. Some launch like a rocket and some crash and burn. But those that crash usually have the same symptoms.

So here are my top 5 reasons why most MVPs Fail.

If you cannot read the entire article on Medium, here is the link to this article on LinkedIn.

Picture generated by MidJourney (Prompt: Illustration of a failed startup)

1. Ignoring User Research

This might seem obvious, but it’s shocking how often user research is overlooked. Some teams assume they know their target audience well enough, while others rush to build something tangible. The result? An MVP that misses the mark entirely.

Remember, your MVP isn’t for you. It’s for your users. Invest time in understanding their needs, pain points, and desires. Use surveys, interviews, and even simple conversations to gather insights that will guide your design decisions.

2. Thinking UI is Just a Finishing Touch

This in my opinion is the Cancer for every MVP.

Here’s a common scenario: a startup hires developers, builds a functional product, and then brings in a UI/UX designer a week or two before launch to “make it pretty.” This is a recipe for disaster.

UI design is not just about aesthetics. It’s about shaping the user experience. When designers are brought in late, they’re often forced to create a design without proper research. This leads to developers making fundamental decisions based on a design that has no real user validation. By the time the designer has done their research, it’s either too expensive to go back and start over or the dev team doesn’t have time for significant changes anymore, resulting in an MVP that lacks relevance to users.

3. The Investor Dance

Startups often feel pressured to create an MVP that impresses investors. This can lead to focusing on features that seem “flashy” but don’t actually solve user problems.

Sure, attracting investors is important, but here’s the thing: my MVP has to work for potential users first.

Remember, investors ultimately want to see a product that people will actually use and pay for. A solid MVP that demonstrates a clear understanding of user needs is far more valuable than a feature-packed product that no one wants.

4. Design System? What’s That?

Startups often view design systems as a luxury, something to be addressed “later,” once the product has gained traction.

This shortsightedness can lead to accumulating design debt — a pile of inconsistencies, redundancies, and outdated elements that make your product harder to maintain and scale.

Without a design system, each new feature or update risks introducing inconsistencies in the visual language, interaction patterns, and overall user experience. This not only frustrates users but also slows down development as engineers reinvent the wheel with each new component.

A messy, inconsistent MVP signals a lack of polish and professionalism, potentially turning away users and investors. Moreover, as the product grows, the cost of refactoring and implementing a design system retroactively becomes exponentially higher.

The solution is simple: invest in a basic design system from the start. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; even a few core components and guidelines can make a huge difference. This small upfront investment will pay off in the long run by ensuring a consistent, scalable, and maintainable product.

5. Tight Agile loops between Design and Development

Agile is all the buzz but it can backfire if applied too rigidly. Design, in particular, requires a delicate balance between responsiveness and strategic thinking.

I once worked at a startup where design was always just one week behind development. Every Monday, I’d start a new design task, rush it through review by Thursday, scramble to address feedback on Friday, and hand it off to developers on Monday.

While my boss saw a seamless agile loop, both the design and development teams were drowning.

We lacked the time to conduct proper user research, explore design solutions, or test our designs. This led to numerous issues piling up: inconsistencies, poor usability, and a navigation system so convoluted that users needed seven clicks to reach certain pages. This was a direct result of neglecting our outdated navigation system, designed when our MVP only had three pages, due to the relentless pace.

Agile is a tool, not a dictator. Design and development need breathing room. Ensure designers have enough lead time to research, ideate, and refine their work before handing it off. This might mean adjusting sprint lengths, dedicating time for design spikes (focused research or exploration periods), or simply fostering a culture that values quality over sheer speed.

In Conclusion…

Building a successful MVP is a delicate balancing act. It requires a keen understanding of user needs, a strategic approach to design, and a healthy dose of pragmatism. By learning from these common pitfalls, you can avoid the traps that derail so many MVPs and pave the way for a product that truly resonates with users.

Remember, the MVP is just the beginning. It’s a learning tool, a stepping stone towards a more refined and impactful product. Embrace feedback, iterate relentlessly, and never lose sight of the ultimate goal: creating a solution that people will love and use.



Hoorakhsh Pb

SaaS & FinTech Product Designer | Building Design Teams that Deliver Growth & Conversion | Accessibility Advocate | Based in Berlin