Cadets — Does it Matter What You Wear?

Chapters 1–4

George Hopkins
27 min readMay 19, 2020

CHAPTER 1 — The Uniform that never changed

The Cadets musicians wore basically the same uniform, or a slight variation, from 1934 through most of their history. Indeed, most drum corps did the same. There was a distinct military influence and corps wore the same uniforms each year. There was an identity. You could see a group coming around the corner and you knew who they were.

The dancers and guard members changed costumes from year to year, at least beginning in the 1980’s, but the corps members’ wardrobe was the same year after year.

The Cadets looked like this:

The Cadets … the early days

The uniform was distinct as many groups wore dark pants and black shoes. Wearing “cream pants and white shoes” added a level of uniqueness. Of course, the fact that the Cadets were the oldest continually operating drum corps in the country, and triumphant over many years, added to the allure, particularly with long time alumni and fans.

For decades, the uniform barely changed. The color guard costume evolved but NOT the costume worn by the musicians. THAT UNIFORM … stayed the same and there was great pride in the fact that year after year, there was continuity and fulfilled expectation. Adding to the allure … Drum Corps International Championships earned by the Cadets in 1983, 84, 85, 87, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2005 and 2011.

But as drum corps moved through the 2000’s, more and more groups began to abandon the traditional uniform for costumes. In the beginning, it was the addition of a small embellishment, or a different plume BUT, beginning with the Carolina Crown of North Carolina, there became a movement to wear costumes throughout the performing ensemble that matched the theme of the show.

Carolina Crown 2017
The Bluecoats 2018
The Blue Devils 2018
The Phantom Regiment

And as for the Cadets …. there are no changes of any consequence. Tradition is the name of the game. At least when it came to the look.

The Cadets — 1967
The Cadets 2008
The Cadets 2009

CHAPTER 2 — Changes

You can see that there was a traditional and expected look to the corps. We could review hundreds of pictures from many, many years and it would be difficult to pinpoint the year. The musicians always looked the same, wearing the same uniform,.

Alas, as the activity moved ahead, the look of the first 75 years was not perhaps going to be the best of looks for the present and the future. Add to the concern , the fact that it was arduous to move your body in the traditional uniforms and there was, a need to move to the costumes that drum corps wear today. The question was … how to evolve the Cadets to where I believed, and the design team believed, we needed to be.

Well, with the creativity of design team members … particularly Marc Sylvester, Greg Lagola, and Joe Heininger, the Cadets did STRETCH the traditions to create some altered versions of the Cadets uniform.

For the most part, the changes were met with the acceptance of the Drum Corps Community if NOT the entire Alumni base. To be sure, there were always critics; sometimes very pointed and unkind comments … but the corps accomplished good things, the Cadets made progress, and success continued … even if the steps were absolute baby steps

Here is a look at some of the shifts over the years:

Cadets 2005 … The back of the uniform was an inversion of the front. The Cadets Place 1st at the World Championships

And then, there was the sequel in 2006 — An Alice in Wonderland Inspiration Indeed, it met with great commentary from SOME of the Alumni Community.

The fact that we placed 6th in 2006, the Cadets lowest placing in 25 years did not help the world of public opinion. Oh …. that woman in yellow is my daughter Katie, marching her first season in the Cadets

The Guard and “Alice” in 2006
The Characters of the 2006 Program
The Musicians Uniforms … 2006

The changes and alterations kept coming. The designers wanted to do more. There was an absolute need to take a step towards innovation BUT, there was pressure to keep that link to the past.

One example of the dance between the two worlds was in 2011 when different colors represented the ANGELS and the DEMONS. The same uniform, but with colors altered between the two characters

Just a year later, the Cadets performed their Christmas show, titled 12.25 . To assist with the messaging the corps was in primarily white. And yet … the audience would still recognize the corps as the Cadets.

And in 2014, as the Cadets performed a bit of a patriotic show centering on various Presidents and their words as the primary theme. The Cadets changed cummerbunds, adorned with different colors as they moved through the program. Even this was met, by some conservative alumni with disdain.

The Cadets 2014 .. one of the four colors used within the show

Chapter 3 — 2015 — The Beginning of the End.

As can be seen, within the confines of the costume, we continued to work as best we could to maintain a modern appearance, attract students who were becoming more drawn to the “cool look” of marching units, while maintaining a position in the activity that would allow for the support of sponsors, fans, donors, and the entire pageantry community. In 1983, the Cadets used the slogan “A Tradition of Innovation”. Thirty years later, our foundation of tradition was contributing to numerous challenges related to maintaining the Cadets’ position among the elite.

Looking to the future and after many late night discussions over dinners and more dinners, it was clear to me that the Cadets were going to have to make a change. But how?

I was not sure what the next wave of Cadets programs would look like, but in order to not “rock the apple cart” I started to look towards an evolutionary approach to a new-look; a look that could change every year. A look that would allow the musicians to be characters in the production.


With 2015 we came upon the theme of the POWER OF 10. We used Shostakovitch’s 10th Symphony as a centerpiece. We had 10 boxes as props, we did one tune between the 10 yard lines , we counted combinations that added to 10, we had 10 Tubas and 10 Snares … it was all in 10, and the Cadets were outstanding that year.

For the 1st half of the season, the Cadets looked like this:

The Cadets 2015 — the Power of 10 — ( Version 1)

However, as a big change, to recognize the idea that NEON was the 10th element, and to begin the process of evolution, with about 10 days left to the season the Cadets changed their look to this:

2015 Cadets — the Power of 10 ( Version 2)

The musicians went to ALL BLACK, the guard went to all NEON and it happened overnight. It was actually pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.

Walking into the stadium that evening in Chester, PA, when the black came out , the corps members were overcome with emotion. I still recall the tears as I watched the performance under the lights. I could NOT believe we had pulled this off. Thanks to Demoulin Uniforms ( who did the work as part of our sponsorship), a crazy sewing crew who were magnificent, and the silence and support of the corps, we changed our look overnight. There were rumors as you will see, and we set the table, but NO ONE was sure.

Singing the corps song that evening in 2015, before we entered the stadium was simply a memory for a lifetime.

The Corps Song — 2015 before the grand unveiling ( Then called Talen Energy Stadium; Chester, PA)

Now, as you would guess, many loved the look and some did not. The some that did NOT, well …. they were beyond adamant in their dislike and the dislike was well publicized weeks before the unveiling.

There was also a complication … Competitive placing!!!! The Cadets made a name for themselves for years and years, coming from behind down the stretch , but in 2015, there was another story to be told.

We faded down the stretch. The color guard had been targeted by the judges as a weak link, and eventually, the visual judges began to lower our placings.We were stunned, flabbergasted and angry. But … it was happening. There was almost nothing we could do.

Here were our placings for the final few weeks of the year:

July 13–1st

July 15–1st

July 16–1st

July 17–1st

July 18–1st

July 21–1st

July 23–1st

July 24–3rd

July 25–3rd

July 26–3rd

July 30–3rd— Black Uniforms Unveiled in Chester, PA

Aug 1–3rd

Aug 2–3rd

Aug 6–2nd — Championships Quarterfinals

Aug 7–4th — Semifinals

Aug 8–4th — Finals

Now … after examining placing, logic would tell you that the costumes were not the issue with the end of season disappointment. As can be seen, the slip in competitive results occurred before the costume change. In fact, the Cadets first placed second in overall effect on Friday the 23rd in Murfreesboro, TN. From there … the doors opened. Judge began to follow the lead of other judges. The leader was no longer the leader.

In fact, in San Antonio, at the beginning of our move to the “front of the pack” I was at a meeting hosted my Michael Cesario with all of the corps. I listened to the meeting, a discussion of all that was important in DCI … but I said nothing

After the meeting, as I was leaving I sent to say goodbye to Michael. Now back a good month before this, Michael, the artistic director for Drum Corps International, cried, telling me how amazing the Cadets were one evening in Louisville, KY. How we merged the old and the new …. he loved it. And I mean loved it!!!

On this Sunday afternoon, as I turned to leave the meeting in San Antonio, Michael yelled in his recognizable voice “ Hey Hop”. I turned around. “Just because you won this weekend, do not think you are going to win the Championships” he yelled.

I stared. I smiled a half smile … and walked away.

Five days later we lost for the first time in weeks and weeks. As it turned out, we never again placed first in 2015.

I would admit that the costumes did not add effect, which was something we were all hoping for, at least in the opinion of the judges. There were clearly other factors at play however. Judges talk. People make decisions. And once the tide turns in drum corps it is very difficult to turn back “the clock”.

All that said, we took a chance. We loved making the change. The excitement was amazing. The work was fantastic. We took a chance and I guess we can say that the change did NOT improve the corps’ performance. But it sure did raise the tension and excitement levels around the corps. And we were all very excited. The kids were overjoyed and the staff was in heaven.

One never knows when you take a risk. You take the chance! You take a bold step. You teach kids that doing all you can do is the only alternative. But will it work ??? One simply does NOT know. The results are never known . In fact, one of the Cadets’ working principles was, “if we know this is going to work, why are we not trying something else”? Arrogant? Perhaps but the staff and I believed that with titles came the responsibility to “raise the bar”

All the competitive stuff to the side, what we did know in 2015 — The Cadets were a great drum corps. Many of us were very proud to be a part of such a special undertaking and we were … without question aligned with the philosophy we had embraced for years and years … the infamous “ A Tradition of Innovation”

Of note, as the ideas for the program developed the pressure around the move to BLACK was enormous.

I remember the day I had to make a decision. I had Steve Trull from DEMOULIN UNIFORMS, on the phone. We had made all of the necessary adjustments and it was time to make the call. Steve and I had been talking for months. It was time.

I agonized. I stared at the phone. I had my head down. I knew the North Jersey Alumni would be upset, I knew the kids would be excited, and I knew, this was a step that we could take only once in a lifetime. My mind raced. What about the money? Did we really need to take on the abuse? Would judges care? Did we care if judges cared?

Due to the generosity and support of DEMOULIN, it was clear that this change COULD happen. We could pass uniforms to C2 down the road, we would be opening the door to future costumes, and there was a cash payment of $35,000 and more per year for the relationship. This was actually possible.

Still, my head was laid on the desk. I was silent.

Finally, I looked up. I raised my head. There was no sound coming from the phone. Steve was on speaker.

“DO IT”.

My head went back onto the desk, face down. Steve said the plan was underway. He assured me I had made the right call. He hung up. My stomach churned.

The traditionalists were in my head no doubt. I did consider their views of the Cadets. I knew they thought I was a radical liberal. The reality — I loved drum corps as it always was. Heck, I marched from 1968–1978 and I missed two rehearsals in 11 years. I loved a good color presentation. I loved the classic programs.

However, …it was clear to me that the kids wanted more. They did not love what I loved. They did not play the games I played. We needed to do more and be more, but we were standing still.

The CADETS, were falling behind.

In addition, I needed to do what was right for the Cadets competitively, organizationally, creatively and financially. I knew I would catch some grief. As I had repeatedly learned, it was the grief that I had come to expect and accept as part of my position. I had been threatened, my daughter had been threatened, people had booed me and yelled and me … it was endless. I had anonymous threats for years. I had people come up and stick their finger in my back, I had the calls at 2:00 am ( before caller ID) …

With all this in mind ….. I needed to do what I thought was best.

I did.

CHAPTER 4 — Northern New Jersey Alumni Reaction

About a week before the unveiling, some of what I refer to as the Northern New Jersey Alumni, ( not to be confused with Cadets’ alumni who live across the country and beyond) had a conversation on line, on FACEBOOK, related to a leak that indicated the Cadets were moving to Black Costumes. Now, I had been dropping all kinds of hints for weeks but, for the most part, it appeared the new look was a rumor. BUT then … an alumnus named Caren Blundetto Frech, who was not my biggest fan, unleashed a mini firestorm.

I was not aware of this exchange for some time after the 2015 season was complete, but today, it is rather interesting to look back. Indeed, trying to explain to others, be it professionals, or simply observers, how intense the pressure could be regarding changes instituted under my terms as Director is difficult. But, as you read through the commentary, ( and I do believe you may want to read through the entire conversation,) you begin to understand the level of upset that was building, or had been building for years.

Of note, you can see this is but a minority of the people who supported the Cadets back in this time. They are vocal, and they are unkind. Yes indeed, they believe that the Cadets should always wear the same uniform as they have worn for most of the corps lifetime. And that can be respected. Many organizations wish for the days of old. The sentiment is understood.

Why this discussion is included? So that there can be an appreciation of the venom that existed inside of the organization. Perhaps I should say that outside of the organization, only a few listed here actually were active in the Cadets or Youth Education in the Arts. Instead, their ownership, or perceived ownership was the result of marching as a Cadet, for one, for two, or on occassion, for ten years.

Editor’s Note — some individuals removed their commentary before I was able to copy the article on Facebook; specifically John Hannigan, Gregory Pych and Brian Wilke. Remembering this may make the conversation a bit easier to follow as their names appear in posts.

Here we go ….

Here is the conversation on line following a post that stated the Cadets would be moving to Black Uniforms …. posted in late July, 2015

Ginny Cunningham Nooooo!

Eugene Parciasepe Jr. Sad.

Chris Macatee Conley ( NJ alumnus 80’s) Dislike

Julie Bedard so sad, the maroon and gold uniforms are really iconic, when you see that uniform you know who it is !!! hope they don’t change

Laura Masker ( NJ Alumnus the 80’s) Say it isn’t so. Proud to wear maroon and gold. Aunt Nellie would not approve. FHNSAB

Judy Wypych Not a fan of changing this uniform.

Caren Blundetto-Frech ( NJ Alumnus from late 70’s and very early 80's)NOT A RUMOR

Robin McShane Namian ( NJ Alumnus late 70’s ) Does it really matter what we think? NO

Thomas O’Kane ( NJ Alumnus early 80s … RIP) I thought they were going neon for guard only? What part of uni goes black? Jacket?

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli ( NJ alumnus 1969) sad!!!

Margee Estelle Gearhart ( NJ alumnus 1969)Oh please tell me this isnt true

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli John Hannigan ( NJ alumnus 1976–1979) you never know!!! Aunt Nellie will be turning over in her GRAVE!!! god bless her soul!!

Ron Frech ( NJ Alumnus late 70’s) If that’s the case all support is gone!!!

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli @ Ron Frech i agree!!! BOYCOTT!!!! EVERYTHING !!!!

Dennis Aquilina ( NJ alumnus late 70’s) The irony is that our uniform sets us apart from everyone else. Everyone else looks the same. Evolution

Frank Brogna (NJ alumnus ) If the current members have any respect for the Corps and themselves, they’ll refuse to take the field in anything but the traditional Cadet uniform.

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli We could say whatever we want…..obviously we have NO OPINION!!! He will do what he wants……….he proves it all the time!!!! Just remember he never wore the UNIFORM and has loyalty or connection with the UNIFORM!!!

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli @ John Hannigan he would never think of cutting his expenses??? not thinking clearly as per John Hannigan!!

Larry Coleman I GOT NOTHING……. 😢

Charity Helms ( Cadets volunteer, bus driver, and employee for decades) John Hannigan, she said BLACK uniforms, not BARACK uniform.

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Brian Wilkie does it matter if we ask??? It is what it is!!! GH does whatever he wants!!!Our opinion doesn’t count @ Brian Wilkie!!!! GH will do what he wants and when he wants…he answers to no one…OHhhh yes his board …..OHHHHH I mean his puppets!!! :).

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Don’t forget John Hannigan all his expenses paid for…..and his RV …..not counting all the extras!! WOW…It $200K plus, plus plus!!!

Ann Hill Leib Best uni ever

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Brian Wilkie ( Cadets alumnus early 80’s) it doesn’t matter where Caren Blundetto-Frech is? does it?? About him winning 11 Titles? The Holy Name Cadets and the Garfield Cadets did win TITLES too… The cadets didn’t start when GH took over…There is plenty of HISTORY and TITLES before GH!!! I forgot his little groupies think the Cadets Started when GH took over………PLE………….ASE!!!!

Glenn Namian I was on staff in ’78 and was at the meeting where they announced they’d keep me and a few others on staff for ’79 and introduced our new members. Suffice to say I took Hoff’s offer with Bayonne … Just did not appreciate my brothers being replaced by non Cadets. Aunt Nellie barely forgave me … But she did.

Chris Castille ( Cadets alumnus 90’s .. past Drum Major) This may not be the best venue to reflect on this matter, but my desire to see a deeper public dialogue among the alumni has overridden my concern that it probably won’t happen here, or even after I’ve shared my thoughts publicly.

Paul DeLiberto (Cadets alumnus 60’s and 70’s .. staff member and volunteer 80’s and 90’s RIP) Chris Castille…….I remember a time not too long ago that the topic of uniforms was “ Is that the Blue…..or the Blue…..” because the corps did start to look like each other…..but there were corps who weren’t cookie cutter looking, like the Cadets.


Glenn Namian I love the visual of the last time we took off our uniform. For me it was after the parade in Wildwood in ’77 and I ceremonially handed it to Vic Boombotz. I shed a tear then went to Kelly’s and got hammered with the Head Section.

Patty Antol (Cadets alumnus late 70’s )This uniform should remain untouched. Period. End of story. Anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t understand anything about what it means to be a cadet.

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli @ Patty Antol totally agree….but don’t for our famous leader GH never wore the uniform so he has no loyalty wearing it and the pride of wearing a CADET UNIFORM…..

Bebe Debi Moon Gozdek Barcus (NJ Cadets alumnus early 80’s) What Cheryl Philhower-Gillick and Brian Wilkie said

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli @ Glenn Namian…………you go Glenn!!!! Brian Wilkie you mind your own business……….I forgot you …………Brian Wilkie thinks that we can’t speak our mind………..Brian Wilkie is a free country and we have our freedom to speak our mind……….I didn’t think you were in charge of this group!!! or we live communist country and you and GH are a leader….:) We ARE A LAUGHING STOCK!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT GH MAKES US OUT TO BE!!! AND HE LAUGHS ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!!!

Laura Masker Is it GH Cadet or FHNSAB?

Cindi Carozza-DeVivo ( NJ Alumnus 1969; Current board member of the Cadets) It’s not a rumor. It is true. I cannot say who but it has been confirmed. They will wear black uniforms, shakos, etc. and no maroon, gold or cream. Period. Fact.

George M Lea Does not make sense. They’ve done just fine and there is three weeks to go. I would be more concerned about why a certain section is consistently 4th or 5th.They have been winning GE

Donna Schiavone (Cadets Alumnus early 80’s ) I think an all black costume is really cool and all, but based on many years of viewing it gets lost on the field. Especially at night. Relax guys — it’s just a costume like all the other bands wear 😉

Donna D’Arrigo (NJ volunteer early 80s) hmmmmm…every time I see the word costume, I think of Halloween or a dance recital….. guess I’m from the pre-historic, pre -DCI period … A UNIFORM is what I prefer… even the word commands a bit more respect …that’s my personal opinion.4

Robin McNinch Karpinski (NJ alumnus early 80’s) I do not, for one second, believe that there is going to be this drastic and permanent change to the uniform. It must be 2015 show related. And only that. Think about it. Do you really think a permanent change of this magnitude would win MORE support from alumni? No!!!! Of course not. So. If this is true, it has to be only show related. Temporary. And it wouldn’t be the first time either.

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli BLACK ………any change to the uniform is a disgrace to the history of the corp and the people that wore it and still are….

Frank Brogna Our new Corps motto: “If you can’t beat’em, change the uniform.” (except we’re winning, so what’s up with that?)

Donna Schiavone No Gregory Pych, ( NJ alumnus, board member and more for decades) and you should

Kristen Cochran Removing the tag bc my phone is blowing up. All I will say is that I will wait to see. Everyone freaked out in 05, 06, and 11… and then realized it was generally the same design and it contributed to the show design. Love maroon and gold. Love you guys. I will wait and see.

Lynn DeAngelis (Cadets Alumnus late 70s) If it’s temporary it’s fine with me.

Cindi Carozza-DeVivo It is not permanent. It is show related. When we look back at 2015, the year the Cadets win their 11th DCI title, they will be remembered (in permanent photos) as the year of the non-traditional black uniformed Cadets

Donna Schiavone The cool kids are wearing it

Thomas O’Kane ^^^^^^^^^
I don’t know details but I’m assuming it’s an alteration of corps proper color scheme to better pop the proposed neon guard uniforms (neon=element 10 on periodical table). Not permanent, just an end of season push for effect in a very very competitive season.

Cindi Carozza-DeVivo Yes, Tom, that’s exactly what it is.

Robin McNinch Karpinski Finally. Voices of reason. Now let’s all come together as proud alumni and support OUR corps as they bring home #11 — or 21. No distractions to the members. This show is intense enough

Marie J DiDomenico (Cadets volunteer for decades. Her Mom Aunt Nellie was the uniform manager for years” Stop all this talking as long as I am alive this well never happen, because of Aunt Nell…The Tradition goes on. FHNSAB. Read everything, you know what’s it’s all about, sometime I am wandering if you ever march in the Cadets the why everyone talks, stop all this talking, just like last year with the facial..STOP STOP STOP!…

Donna Schiavone Marie do you mean the black uniform won’t happen? This is what they are talking about.

Margee Estelle Gearhart Heck all i was hoping for was built in jock straps for boys !!! After all these years pants get tighter and well …..

Paul DeLiberto DCI Champions 10 times wearing the Maroon and Gold with slight variations for 2005 “The Zone” and 2011 “Angels and Demons” which were appropiate for their themes. But what color design does the “Power of Ten” cry out for. All 10 championships were won by incredible music, marching, and design…….all in Maroon and Gold!

Nick Ferzoco ( NJ Alumnus 90s) Instead of hate, let’s support the kids…. Give them whatever they need, shake the stadium with how loud we cheer, and show them, that a whole lot of us have their backs. Cadets have always paved the way when it comes to innovation. We were all apart of it once. Embrace it.

Margee Estelle Gearhart No thank you Nick. Cadets can be great and still live in tradition

Joe Frech Well said Margee

Kristen Cochran Paul — in answer to your question… I think I read that the CG unis are neon (since neon is #10 on the periodic table of elements) and the black unis would be used to make the neon pop for more effect.

Theresa Wirth Dont do it… that’s all i can say

Paul DeLiberto That’s a stretch in my opinion for a color change of the corps proper and remember they are still on a green astroturf field,,,,,unless they plan on covering the field in black also. As i said before……all their previous championships were won wearing Maroon and Gold…… was the design of the show that “powered” them to those championships! All the talk this year is how the Cadets are doing great with the old formula of great music, great drill, constant movement…….no overt electronics or voice…….just pure Cadets drum corps!

Margee Estelle Gearhart They are great kids

Charity Helms John Hannigan is still miffed they didn’t bring smocks back.

Marie J DiDomenico Aunt Nell is watching all of you from above, and don’t think she is liking what you are saying, i know why my mother was alive she did not like when people would talk against the Cadets…….

Laura Masker We are not talking against the cadets. Just the change of tradition that defines THE CADETS!

Marie J DiDomenico I do not think so, because I knew my mother well.

Laura Masker Once you put on THE MAROON AND GOLD AND THE CHEST PLATE the feeling is……

George M Lea but you know what, these “conversations” are public and become an embarrassment because of the snarkiness. It should have ended hours ago. Enough…

Marie J DiDomenico George Lea, the bottom line is I will say SOME people do not like what are our director does well to bad. We won 10 championships and people forget all these…

George M Lea I know, Marie. It does not look good to always air your dirty laundry in public.The point was made long ago and now it’s just piling on.

Steven Chirichella ( Cadets Alumnus 60’s )part of this world coming to a final end………A-men………

Peter J Dercole Sr. A tradition comes to an end. Not good.

Steven Chirichella but why so black??? terrible!

Bebe Debi Moon Gozdek Barcus So how’s everyone’s day going so far?

Maria Rano Pedalino Not even a Cadet, but somewhere along the line, the value of tradition has been lost. Moving with the times is great, but what happened to branding? identity? and the emotional connection to the uniform. In my earliest Drum Corps experiences as a sp…See More

Steven Chirichella so dark……. upon the gold and maroon?

Robin McNinch Karpinski Jeez. Let it go. It’s NOT a permanent change. It’s show related. That’s all! It’s temporary.

Caryn Wilkie (Cadets Alumnus early 80s ) Geez the most difficult alumni in DCI. Ridiculous.

Patty Antol If it’s only being done temporarily and for a brief part of the show, I don’t have a problem with it. But it is nice to see how many of us are still so passionate about our tradition

Paul DeLiberto I guess the Cadets have jumped on the “bandwagon” of now using costumes to try to tell the story of what their show is all about. How many years did they play West Side Story, and other than the color guard they didn’t need to have costumes to portray

Laura Masker And I never knew the Cadets to conform. They have always pushed the buttons with class

Robin McShane Namian Mo money, mo money. That’s all I’m sayin’. FHNSAB

George M Lea Speaking of “WGI influence”, another fourth place finish

Bebe Debi Moon Gozdek Barcus Hi

Alan Chez (Cadets Alumnus late 70s and early 80’s ) The cadets are good enough to tell their story with tradition . That’s what makes being a cadet so cool .

Caren Blundetto-Frech Al, soon to past tense, that was…& Robin, shouldn’t that be No money…?

Lawrence Ignaczak (Cadets Alumnus late 70’s and early 80’s )Tradition is something that never should be compromised. FHNSAB

Bebe Debi Moon Gozdek Barcus I can’t keep a secret, so I’m out

Marie J DiDomenico Stop all this S___……..

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli omg Marie!!! i never heard you talk like that!!! :)Marie you do know that your mother would be very very upset!! but it is what it is……..GH will do what he pleases and doesn’t need to answer to anyone….

Marie J DiDomenico I agree with GH because we won 10 championships, and I travel with him and my mom… SO OK EVERYONE JUST STOP…

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Oh Com’on ……Maybe he will dye his hair black toooo…to match the uniform that he never wore…..instead of dying iT BLONDE like he usual does!!! lmao :)

Caren Blundetto-Frech I feel a wave of deleting, de-friending & blocking coming on… All ass-kissers & kool-aid drinkers, & especially those who will go with any & all changes just so the NAME survives,
find yourselves another forum.

Marie J DiDomenico You people should stop all this gossip, shame on all of you, Are you adults???

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli @ Caren Blundetto-Frech you know the story with all these ass kissers and GH puppets………….Caren Blundetto-Frech it is what it is……….GH is an arrogant..definition
some-one that is arrogantly ignorant, or ignorantly arrogant or some-one that is both…..GH that’s you!!! :)

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Even though Marie J DiDomenico yelled at me…but i love her…:)

Cindi Carozza-DeVivo Marie, if all of these posts bother you so much, STOP reading them.

Cathy Randazzo ( NJ Alumnus from 70s) Ugh re the uniforms turned costumes

Laura Masker When I left Fantasia III, with some other people who were former Muchachos, we joined the Cadets. One of the major factors in deciding to join was THE UNIFORM, along with the reputation of the corp. It was a honor and privilege to wear the CADET UNIFORM and be a member (79–80).

Eugene Parciasepe Jr. They did that years ago… Holy Name to Garfield Cadets to The Cadets

Jackie Fritsche ^The Cadets of Bergen County,

Margee Estelle Gearhart Unfortunately when one trys to hurt an individual they end up hurting the kids with their comments. If you think for one moment they dont read these comments your wrong. I actually agree with Marie. Enough.

Julie Bedard current uniforms show soo much class and dignity

Margee Estelle Gearhart I am sure these Cadets have had their fill of our discussions. This is their time now with the traditions they are creating. Will they remain in line with ours, I can only hope.

Robin McNinch Karpinski They are NOT permanently changing the uniform. It is only 2015 show related. For just only a few shows, it will not be the traditional maroon and gold. But soon after finals, those black uniforms will most likely be sold and shipped to another corps or…See More

Margee Estelle Gearhart So the black uniform now confirmed?

Patty Antol I agree with Louise. What’s the point?

Cathie Healey (NJ Cadets Alumnus early 80’s) While I don’t think there will be a GE value in changing the uniforms, there have been changes in the uniform for specific shows in the past and there will be again.

But truly, what does it matter if they change the color of the uniforms for a couple weeks, the members still don’t have to be clean shaven, so it’s not like they’re not already missing out on being a part of an 80 year old tradition.

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli I have trying to hold back today but here it goes: GH since you changed every tradition that the Holy Name Cadets had why don’t you stop sing the HOLY NAME SONG!!!! I wouldn’t be surprise if that is next!!!! Since you have no loyalty to the uniform (that you never wore) or the song!!! FHNSAB!!

Caren Blundetto-Frech Good job holding back there Lill…. : )

Margee Estelle Gearhart Cheryl no one has seen black cadet uniform yet. Cadets in black

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli More changes are coming per GH ………..WOW and Caren Blundetto-Frech how everyone thought it was just a RUMOR!!!! lmao

Margee Estelle Gearhart Its not a rumor per robin karpinski and others

Caren Blundetto-Frech How can this nicely be said…
take your heads out of your asses people…

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Caren Blundetto-Frech you said it “Perfectly” :)

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Neon was the key …. but there was much to consider as the different facets of the presentation were set not to one color palette but two very different combinations, one for the first part of the season and one for the “rush to the finish line”.

Joe Frech I don’t care if he came over my house and tossed my dog down the stairs. He won 10 championships

Jackie Fritsche There’s only less than 2 dozen corps and with the generosity of Cadets supporters, I would hope so. I mean, somebody’s gotta win ‘em.

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Louise Charbonneau he made himself irreplacable!! Or he thinks he is….and has everyone around him thinking that….Presidents of our country die in office and our country still goes on…..Love your quote “THE POWER OF 1 TO BECOME THE GOD OF THE CORPS SO HE WOULD BE IRREPLACEBLE AND THE ORGANISATION WOULD DIE WITHOUT HIM. Wow “

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Of course the board of directors are only his puppets!! GH does what ever he wants and answers to no one…..arrogant
adjective ar·ro·gant \ˈer-ə-gənt, ˈa-rə-\
: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people : having or showing arrogance….that’s GH. Presidents of our country die Laura Masker-Holland and VP takes over and our country still goes on. Cadets are in trouble…GH loves it that way….He wants there to be no Cadets if something happens to him….Cadets are in trouble for the FUTURE!!!

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli GH doesn’t love the CADET Organisation he made himself an empire…… support him with his RV and 200K salary plus all the other extra’s…….Laughing at everyone all the way to the bank..

Laura Masker I am not disagreeing with you as far as GH is concerned. But no one is irreplaceable. But if that is the consensus of the alumni maybe WE should ensure that there will be a future for the CADET organization!

Jackie Fritsche You beat me to it. I was just going to say, check his will!

Caren Blundetto-Frech John Hannigan, is there more than one child? : p
or should it be, “willing” away the cash cow…?Someone sold our souls to this legacy (too) many years ago…

Steven Chirichella Richie has his ‘gold’ uniform on him in his eternity as he lies in the heavens…… don’t turn him black………please oh Holy Name…….

Marie J DiDomenico Don’t listen to them Steven, it’s the guard. and only for this show no black uniform…

Steven Chirichella still not the same Marie……I feel your thoughts and sure Aunt Nell would be our side…….

Caren Blundetto-Frech This would be more appropriately titled as a BLACK SATURDAY sale . For those who outright pretty much called me a liar…

Lillian Petrullo-Yocovelli Thx you Caren Blundetto-Frech!! Never thought for once you were a liar!! The only ones that thought it was the kiss ass GH puppets/groupies/cult members

Thomas O’Kane Thanks Caren.

As presented, the Cadets did turn to Black renditions of the Cadets’ uniforms at the end of 2015. There was upset from some people, as you can see, and others saw the progression as an effort to maintain the Cadets as an organization steeped in tradition but also very, very progressive when it came to new ideas, new concepts, and fresh presentations.

But with the end of 2015, other changes occured. Folks were upset, nothing new, but this time, the anger took a more aggressive approach. This time, people considered dramatic steps to change the face of the Cadets and for all time, to shift the trajectory of the most honored drum and bugle corps in history.


Chapter 5 — Staff changes and letters to the board of directors …. how enemies came to be friends.



George Hopkins

Life long member, teacher, and administrator of Drum Corps (from 1968–2019). Currently semi retired, while creating Act 2, an act that includes Golf and Running