Maker Challenge — Build a Sustainable Hanoi

3 min readMay 31, 2023



Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. The city is now facing with lots of problems that affects to the community and its citizens such as transportation, air pollution, water pollutions, …

Image: Hanoi City — Source: Vietnamnet


The maker challenge called “Build a Sustainable Hanoi” is designed in the STEM Summer Camp for Grade 3–5 students to help them:

  • Explore and understand the current problems of the city to build their awareness of protecting their living environment.
  • Explore the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) knowledge and apply them in design solutions for the city.
  • Practice 4Cs skills including Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Creativity in solving real world problem

This maker challenge also help students understand the Sustainable Development Goal number 11 — Make cities inclusive, safe, resilience and sustainable.

The equitable learning practices uses in this maker challenge are:

  • Project-based learning: students work in the project of building a sustainable city model.
  • Real-world topic: students explore on different topic like smart transportation, air pollution, water pollution, green energy, historical and cultural conservation.
  • Exhibition and Presentation of learning: at the end of project, students will have a showcase to show their sustainable city model and present about their work for the community.

Lesson Description and Flow chart

During the Maker Challenge, students will work in group to find out different problem of Hanoi and use their STEM knowledge to design a model of sustainable city by using different materials like recycle materials or 3D pen. Students will have chances to practice as a role of urban planner, engineers in different fields to create and test the city models. They will be provided also knowledge and skills of 2D/3D design, and using technology like robots, micro:bits to make prototypes for some solutions.

Students will apply Engineering Design Process (EDP) and Educational Digital Gradual Immersion Method (EDGIM) to have a series of activities to guide them solve the problem through the maker challenge.

The flowchart below will describe the activities in this maker challenge:

Image: Flow chart of activity — design by Hop Tran


The maker challenge is implement as the STEM Summer Camp, students will be evaluated via Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment.

Formative Assessment: teachers as coaches will evaluate during the working process of students through observation the participation and collaboration. All design handout and worksheet will be recorded. At the end of each session, students will do the self and group reflection to draw the lesson learn before going to the next step.

Summative Assessment: The final product of maker challenge will be a show case of Sustainable City. Students will present their works as well as show the city model and explain how it works to their community. Rubrics will be developed to assess their final model and presentation skills.


Sanabria, J. C. (2015). The Gradual Immersion Method (GIM): Pedagogical Transformation into Mixed Reality. Procedia Computer Science, 75, 369–374.

Sanabria, J. C., & Arámburo-Lizárraga, J. (2017). Enhancing 21st Century Skills with AR: Using the Gradual Immersion Method to develop Collaborative Creativity. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(2), 487–501

Equitable Learning Practices Aug 2020pdf-EQUITABLE LEARNING PRACTICES Version 2.1 March 2020 CC BY This work is licensed under the Creative Commons | Course Hero. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2023, from Practices-Aug-2020pdf/

Makers Empire for Teachers -Makers Empire. (2018, May 28).,

