Awesome prizes for our dear Beta players!

4 min readMar 8, 2019


It has been quite of a journey for all of us, these past months — since we revealed our project to the public eye and gave you an introduction to Crypto Idle Miner, our idea, first prototype, playable Beta and now official game release!

At the very start of this whole process, we were thinking of how to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for the support. Firstly, we thought that mugs, T-shirts and pins are the great way to say “thank you” but we wanted to keep everything in “crypto spirit” and have decided (before Beta) that there is only one thing more suitable as a token of appreciation — HORA Token! Those who have been with us from the start know what we promised, and for those who didn’t know about this, yes it’s true, we will hand out Hora tokens to our amazing Beta testers.

We know that some of you would rather take those mugs or T-shirts (we will have those as well in the future most likely, don’t worry, they will be waiting for you on your door-step), but we are on a mission here guys! We want to spread awareness, we want to preach more about Blockchain and above all — we want to educate people more about crypto-currency and to share our vision! Text about our vision will be shared here as well, separately.

In the following text we will explain to you a bit better who will be rewarded (in terms of who is qualified to earn some HORA Tokens), when this will happen, how we will distribute our tokens, where you can claim them and other important information regarding Beta testing and rewarding system. We won’t go in-depth about HORA Token, you will find more info about it on a separate Medium blog post.

Ok, let’s start with the most important information — Who will earn Hora Tokens?
We will make no exceptions, whoever participated in Beta will receive a certain number of Hora Tokens from us!

Even though we will distribute the amount equal to everyone (each Beta tester will receive a certain amount which will be equal to everyone else’s amount), we have decided to reward some of you with additional Hora Tokens. Those who have been reporting us bugs constantly, helping us to improve the game in any manner (almost on daily basis), those who have achieved the most on Leaderboard and those who spent an entire eternity playing Crypto Idle Miner! Our server logs will show us all the information we need.

You are now probably wondering — How many Hora Tokens will each Beta tester receive?
Each Beta tester will receive 3000 of Hora Tokens!

This raises another question — How many Hora Tokens will be issued/distributed as Beta rewards?
For all crypto enthusiasts, this is an important question, we will distribute
~5 million of tokens!

Where and how will you be able to claim your Beta reward — Hora Token?
You will receive either a link or a code via email, from which you will be able to claim your tokens. We will provide more information regarding that in an email you will receive from us.

When is this going to happen?
This will happen in 3 to 4 weeks after worldwide release of Crypto Idle Miner on Google Play Store and App Store! And the reason for that is — we are currently negotiating with one big company to create our token on their network, blockchain. We will update you on that.

These are important questions that we feel are necessary to be addressed regarding the Beta rewards. Also, we will provide a list of rewarded Beta testers which will contain the amount of tokens that each player was rewarded with. Since we have been pretty transparent with you guys right from the start, we will continue in that manner so that’s the reason for this fully transparent list (we will blur some parts of your emails, don’t worry).

If you are wondering what you can do with Hora Tokens, we will share a pro tip with you now — Hold on to it! Hold on for dear life! :)
Until Hora Token appears on exchanges, we strongly advise that you save it for now. Afterwards, you can trade it regularly, or use it in our game for many in-game goodies (or in future games made by us).

As stated several times before, we want to create a unique game that will educate players a bit more on crypto-currency and Blockchain topics. With those Beta rewards in the form of Hora Tokens, we hope that we will inspire regular “incremental game aficionados” to get more involved in crypto markets and possibly convert them into crypto enthusiasts one day!

But this process is rather vice versa, we want to bring closer gaming sphere to crypto enthusiasts and show them how truly amazing this can become!

Until we see each other in the next Medium post, Hora Games team wishes you all the best!

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