What is GISH? Item 42

Heather Ord
2 min readAug 7, 2020


Many people are talking about GISH and the good deeds it has done over the years. For an example this year with the whole Covid pandemic GISH has raised money for several good causes such as random acts of kindness and with the proceeds from the entry fee from the participants of GISH have provided over a million meals for children that were affected by the pandemic. I had no idea what GISH was at first. Being a Supernatural fan, I heard about it through Misha Collins, who plays Castiel on the show, I was curious on what it was. I read that it focuses on good causes and helps people. It encourages people to do good in their community and give back to the people.

What GISH doesn’t tell you is that it causes unreasonable pain and suffering. It encourages your creativity and brings out your weird all while causing stress and sleep deprivation. What does GISH stand for? It stands for Greatest International Scavenger Hunt. Where there is a Team of 15 that includes people of all over the world: Irish, British, Australian and American just to name a few. Each team has a unique team name. For an example the team I am involved in is called “WhatIsYourDamagHeather”, where we are a group of people named Heathers, honorary Heathers and Heather adjacents. There are at least 100 tasks to complete within a week. Tasks from making Jensen Ackles out of legos to making goofy videos with the kids. Each task brings out our creativity and weird. Even the ones that has people doing a random acts of kindness or donating to a charity. Each day there is a zoom webinar where panelists talk about their causes and informs events that are happening in the world. There are serious webinars and then there are fun ones where you get to play games and interact with the panelists that are colleagues with Misha, such as the cast of supernatural. Each zoom ends with something encouraging and a task to complete for the week. GISH encourages each person to come out of their shell and be themselves all while helping others.

Even though there is a lot of stress and sleep deprivation during GISH week, it seemed like a good idea at the time, you gain friends from all over the world and in different walks of life. There are some teams where they do not get along or they don’t communicate but with my team I was extremely lucky to find a family.

GISH 2020

