HORDE Offers the Cure for Falling Prices: Introducing Liquidity Manager as a Service

Horde Official
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2022

When HORDE launched on March 22nd, 2022 the protocol was nothing like any other project currently launching in the DeFi space. The project had no whitelist, no lifetime rewards, no founder allocation of tokens, and a promise of a consistent price. As HORDE moves into its third month since launch all of these things hold true, not least of which is the price being consistent. HORDE’s price consistency is accomplished through its Liquidity Manager, a proprietary smart contract that maintains the price between the defined range. The code for the Liquidity Manager is a closely guarded secret whose mystery is only known to a few like Coca-Cola’s recipe, what happens at Area 51, and was Leonardo DiCaprio’s character actually dreaming at the end of the film Inception.

These last few weeks have been nothing short of a nightmare for many. Terra’s UST stablecoin depegged which in turn tanked Luna, once the fifth-largest crypto by market cap. The fallout of these events was felt in the entire Cryptoshere resulting in massive selloffs across the board. Altcoins were decimated and even mainstays like Bitcoin and Ethereum are down 20%-30% in the last 30 days. This could have spelled disaster for HORDE as it had launched just a few weeks before this happened, but the protocol worked exactly as it was designed to. HORDE’s price stayed within its range thanks to the work of the Liquidity Manager. Amid a black swan event like the Terra collapse, the HORDE ecosystem stood its ground.

How is HORDE so stable?

HORDE’s Liquidity Manager (LM) is key to its price stability. How it works is fairly complex but the simplest explanation is something like this: The LM monitors the price of HORDE tokens and sells tokens when it hits the upper price range and buys when the price hits the lower range. Every sell adds to the LM balance and the sells subtract. This buying and selling keep the price from skyrocketing and/or plummeting. HORDE wasn’t designed to make millionaires overnight but rather to pay investors consistently regardless of when they entered into the protocol. Longevity and equality are the goals, not quick gains that leave others holding the bag.

In the last few weeks, we were able to see just how well the LM works. When the crypto market “corrected” the price of HORDE stayed consistent. The LM bought as the sell pressure mounted but is already rebuilding its balance as the market has become more stable.

HORDE Flips the Script and Offers Liquidity Manager as a Service to other DeFi Projects

The founders at HORDE made something truly unique when they dreamed up and created the code for the Liquidity Manager. And last week the team at HORDE announced LMS: Liquidity Manager as a Service. LMS offers HORDE’s price stabilization tool to other projects in Defi.

Remember when Apple first showed the world “pinch-zoom”?

“Pinch-zoom” a the time was something no one had seen before (the crowd even gasped when they first saw it) but now it is a function that almost any device with a screen uses.

This is what HORDE’s Liquidity Manager as a Service has the capability to be for any DeFi project present or future; a feature so useful and necessary that no DeFi project would be built without it.

What the team at HORDE is offering with LMS is so much more than a bolt-on accessory that other projects can utilize. Implementing LMS on any protocol will obviously help with the price stability of the underlying token, but it will also create the opportunity for a partnership between HORDE and the other protocol. The extent of this partnership is flexible and can be tailored to the needs and wants of the other projects. This partnership could look like advisement from the HORDE founders on any range of subjects, meetings to discuss ideas or innovations, and access to the HORDE community of investors.

The goal with LMS is truly symbiotic, mutually beneficial, partnerships. It is a win-win-win situation. The HORDE ecosystem grows, new or existing projects get support and investors get more stable projects.

DeFi as a whole could use more stable and legitimate projects after all the recent rug pulls, projects failing, and the fall of Terra. HORDE’s LMS can be the catalyst for a new age in Defi where projects are stable, well-executed, and beneficial for all involved.

If you are interested in learning more about how HORDE’s LMS can benefit your project please reach out to the team via our email info@horde.games or hit us up on Twitter @Hordetweets!

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