5 Reasons Why Installing Solar Panels is Worth the Investment

Horizon solar
5 min readOct 9, 2017


‘Solar power is the last energy resource that isn’t owned yet because nobody taxes the sun yet.’

Give it a thought and you will feel how much you are indebted to the charity offered by mother nature. Solar energy has been continuously supplementing needs of humankind since ages. However the proper commercial use of solar power was demonstrated in 1897 by Frank Shuman, who built a small solar engine that worked by reflecting solar energy onto square boxes filled with ether, which has a lower boiling point than water, and were fitted internally with black pipes which in turn powered a steam engine.

However in this changing era homes with rooftop solar arrays have gone from curiosity to commonplace. The technology of harnessing solar energy has been available for decades — NASA has been using solar-powered satellites since the 1960s, and as far back as World War II, passive solar heating systems (which turn solar energy into heat instead of electricity) have been used in homes.

The benefits of residential solar power systems are obvious like energy from the sun is endless (at least for the next 5 billion years, give or take); it provides clean energy with no greenhouse-gas emissions; and it can save people money on their electric bills. But there are further other reasons which will make you think about the endless use of solar energy and getting the right technology to utilize it from this moment.

Let’s have a look then on some of those points which require your attention to adopt the idea of powering your homes with this non-conventional renewable energy.

1. Drastically reduce or even eliminate utility bills

Irrespective of what you are whether a homeowner, business, or nonprofit, electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. With the installation of solar panel system, you’ll not only generate free power for your system’s entire 25+ year life-cycle but can even reduce your utility bills enabling you to save a lot of money. Thus installing solar panels is worth to give a shot.

2. Earn a great return on your investment

While investing in solar panels, you must not worry about expenses as they’re one of the best ways to invest, with returns rivaling those of more traditional investments like stocks and bonds.

Solar power system is a financial product in many ways because of its capability of generating annual returns ranging anywhere from 10 percent to more than 30 percent. Thus extracting solar power for homes is not only financial need of the hour but a call for conservation of non-replenishable resources.

3. Protect against rising energy costs

One of the biggest advantage of solar panels installation is their ability to hedge utility prices. According to statistics drawn for the past ten years, it was concluded that residential electricity prices have gone up by an average of three percent annually. Investment in solar products can not only fix your electricity rate but also protect against unpredictable increases in electricity costs. Thus installing solar panels both for residential and commercial purposes helps you to better forecast and manage your expenses, if you’re a business or homeowner with fluctuating cash flow.

4. Increase your property value

According to multiple studies, it was found that solar powered homes have higher property values and sell more quickly than non-solar homes. These days, appraisers are increasingly craving for solar installations and value homes with solar utilities at the time of a sale, and as home-buyers become more educated about solar, demand for properties equipped with solar panel systems will continue to grow.

5. Protect the environment and reduce Global Warming

Solar power systems are well known to derive clean, pure and green energy from the sun. Installing solar panels in your home not only helps combat greenhouse gas emissions but also reduces our collective dependence on fossil fuel. Everyone is well aware with the fact that traditional electricity has been sourced from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas from many years. But when fossil fuels are burned to produce electricity, they emit harmful gases which is the leading cause of air pollution and global climate change.

Global warming has threatened the survival of human society, as well as the survival of countless species. Luckily the advancement in the study of exploring solar energy for many decades, turned out to be one of the most important solutions to the global warming crisis.

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As the number of installations of solar panels increases, more the nation moves farther away from fossil fuel consumption and closer to a clean economy powered by the sun. Solar energy’s dividends are not only benefiting individuals but also upgrading the current scenario of environment to cleaner and more sustainable. Thus we can conclude that the only renewable energy technology that can be used as a commercially viable solution for integrating bulk energy into storage plant is the solar energy and by adopting solar power solutions, one can generate passive income which is again an economical benefit for the citizens.

