Horizon Call of the Mountain: Immersive Characters and Mesmerizing Audio

4 min readJul 24, 2023


Horizon Call of the Mountain is an awe-inspiring gaming experience that serves as a true graphical showcase for the capabilities of the PSVR2. With its dazzling OLED panels and HDR, players are treated to a vibrant and visually stunning world. This article delves into the remarkable ‘Characters and Audio’ aspect of Horizon Call of the Mountain, where the game truly excels, offering players an immersive and lifelike experience.

Visual Brilliance: A Vibrant World

Horizon Call of the Mountain immediately captivates players with its lush and vivid environment. The game’s graphical prowess shines through with its attention to detail and vibrant color palette. The rich green foliage and dynamic lighting make exploring the in-game world an absolute delight. Players will find themselves mesmerized as the sun’s rays pierce through the dense foliage, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow on the ground. The visual fidelity reaches new heights, particularly when experienced through a VR headset, making players feel as though they are truly present in this magical world.

A Feast for the Ears: Impressive Audio Landscape

The auditory dimension of Horizon Call of the Mountain is equally astounding. The game features a phenomenal soundscape and score, expertly complementing its breathtaking visuals. The development team has harnessed the power of the Tempest 3D Audio Tech, taking the auditory experience to unparalleled heights. Players will find themselves completely engrossed in the virtual world, as sounds emanate from all directions, immersing them in the heart of the action. The audio seamlessly melds with the visuals, producing a captivating symphony that elevates the overall gaming experience to new levels.

Characters with Life: Immersive NPCs

In Horizon Call of the Mountain, character models are beautifully crafted, striking the perfect balance between realism and stylization. The art style adopted by Guerilla Games and Firesprite is a wise decision, as it allows for an engaging and emotive cast of characters without veering into the uncanny valley. Conversations with NPCs feel incredibly lifelike, thanks to the attention to detail given to their animations and interactions. As players engage in conversations, the characters turn to face whoever is speaking, adding depth and authenticity to the interactions.

The Joy of Interaction: Animated NPCs

One aspect that sets Horizon Call of the Mountain apart is the depth of interaction with the NPCs. The characters feel alive, with their actions and expressions reflecting the emotions they convey. Engaging in quests or side missions with these NPCs becomes an emotionally resonant experience, as players forge genuine connections with the virtual inhabitants of this fantastical world. The game’s animated characters breathe life into the narrative, ensuring players remain invested in the storyline throughout their journey.


When it comes to buying PS4 games, Horizon Call of the Mountain shines brightly in its characters and Audio department. While many VR games focus solely on visual splendor, Horizon Call of the Mountain manages to strike an exceptional balance between visuals, audio, and character portrayal. In comparison to VR Game A, which boasts stunning visuals but lacks a compelling audio experience, Horizon Call of the Mountain emerges as the clear winner. The inclusion of the Tempest 3D Audio Tech in Horizon Call of the Mountain elevates the overall gameplay, creating an immersive world that engages players’ senses and emotions. Additionally, the lifelike interactions with NPCs in Horizon Call of the Mountain set it apart, giving players a deeper connection to the game’s narrative compared to the more static interactions in VR Game A. While VR Game B may offer impressive character models and interactions, its audio falls short when compared to the symphonic experience of Horizon Call of the Mountain. The use of 3D audio in Horizon Call of the Mountain enhances the gameplay to new heights, drawing players further into the game’s captivating universe. Additionally, the art style of Horizon Call of the Mountain sets it apart from VR Game B, opting for a more stylized approach that successfully avoids the uncanny valley, thus creating a more engaging and enjoyable visual experience.

