Lowest Population Density

Geo Lab
3 min readMay 17, 2022


The world looks pretty small place. We can travel all over the world within 1 day. And people are thinking to go outer space for more places. However, there are still tones of places with very little population densities. (If you go to one of those places, you might find yourself can’t even see other human for almost 1,000 kilometers.) So, without further ado, let’s start!

TOP 5: Queen Maud Land

Country: Norway

Capital: Troll Station

Land Area: 2,700,000 km squared or about the size of Kazakhstan

Population: 464

Population Density: 0.00017 per km squared

5th place goes to Queen Maud Land. Queen Maud Land(or Norwegian Antarctica)is located in Eastern Antarctica bordered by Britain to the west, and Australia to the east. Although it’s population density is very very low compared to the rest of the world (0.00017 per km squared means only 1360 people living in US mainland), it’s only 4th place out of 9 areas of Antarctica.

TOP4: British Antarctic Territory

Country: Great Britain

Capital: Rothera Station

Land Area: 1,709,400 km squared or the size of Libya

Population: 250

Population Density: 0.00015 per km squared

4th place is BAT or British Antarctic Territory. If world has the population of 0.00015, the Earth’s population would be only 76,515. It is the population of the Earth in 100,000 years ago. This is the time when human didn’t even reach the continent of Eurasia. And it is also the part of British Empire with the lowest population and its density.

TOP3: Chilean Antarctic Territory

Country: Chile

Capital: Villa Las Estrellas

Land Area: 1,250,527 km squared or the size of Angola

Population: 115

Population Density: 0.00009 per km squared

We finally reached point hundred thousandths digit. Its population density is only the half size of Queen Maud Land. Thant means only 720 people living in 48 continental US, and only 155 lonely people living in the largest state, Alaska.

TOP2: Australian Antarctic Territory

Country: Australia

Capital: Davis Station

Land Area: 5,896,500 km squared or 74% of Australia, and almost twice as big as India

Population: 500

Population Density: 0.00008 per km squared

2nd place is Australian Antarctic Territory. It has the smallest population density in the claimed world. But unlike its neighbors, its population isn’t that low. (Australian Antarctic Territory has second largest population only behind New Zealand’s Ross Dependencies.) But due to large land area, its population reduced to only 0.00008 per km squared.

TOP1: Marie Byrd Land

Country: Terra Nullius

Capital: Byrd Station

Land Area: 1,610,000 km squared or the size of Iran

Population: 50

Population Density: 0.00003 per km squared

The area with the lowest density is Marie Byrd Land. Its density is 0.00003 which means if the Earth has the population density of 0.00003, there would be only 15,303 residents. In 48 mainland US, only 240 people would live there. And in the largest state, Alaska, only 52 people would be there.

After learning about low population density of Antarctica, what do you think about your town? Leave comments, and thank you for reading:)

