TOP 6–10 Countries with the Worst Geographic Locations

Geo Lab
4 min readJul 26, 2022


Last week, we looked at the countries with the best geographic location. But not every country is luck enough to get golden spots. So today we will going to look at the list of countries located at the worst geographic locations!!! Today, we will go on a trip through 5 countries with one of the worst locations. So let’s directly fly to Santiago, Chile, the capital of Chile!

TOP 10: Chile

Although Chile is the wealthiest country in not only South America, but also whole Latin America, Chilean geographic location is one of the worst. Firstly, the long shape which is very weird and odd looks cool on the map, but when it comes to country’s govern, it is the weakness. The long land of Chile, which is 4500km long north to south, but only 173km wide average from west to east. This gives Chile, hard to control its land, and also at military. Also wide spread of climate and culture is also a big disadvantage. These reason give Chile, hard for transportation, communication, construction. Plus, driest desert in the Earth, Atacama, and the longest mountain range, Andes, and the Ring of Fire which gives Chile tons of earthquakes, tsunami every year also gives Chile many other geographical disadvantages.

TOP 9: Ukraine

Ukraine also one of the worst located country. First, just like other East European nations like Poland and Belarus, Ukraine is very very flat, which means it is very weak in invasion. And throughout the history, Ukraine is the place between many superpowers, especially Russia. Because of the close location from Moscow, Ukraine always have been one of the first targets of Russia along with the Baltics, Belarus, and Finland. Although it is very rich in agriculture, it is also weak in access to the sea. First, in order to go out to the sea, Ukraine has to go through Russian controlled Southern Ukraine, and Crimea, then, Bosphorous Straight of Turkey, then the tons of islands of Greece, then it has to go through whether Gibraltar of UK, or Suez Canal of Egypt. Plus, 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine also shows the geographic-weakness of Ukraine.

TOP 8: Lesotho

Lesotho is a small country with most of the land located over 1800m, and completely surrounded by South Africa. This is very big disadvantage for a country. Due to this, Lesotho’s economy is controlled by South Africa, and South Africa can controlled Lesotho at anytime they want. So although for now Lesotho is relatively good with South Africa, you cannot say no to this geographic weakness of Lesotho.

TOP 7: Poland

Poland is a Central European nation, and just like Ukraine, it is very flat (90% of Polish territories are flat terrains) and very close to Russia and other superpowers such as Germany, Austria. Because Poland was historically not a strong nation compared to neighboring countries, starting from the Mongols in 13th century, Germany in 1939, and the Soviets easily attacked and conquered Poland. Plus, bordering both Russia and Belarus as NATO member, and only has a coast to the Baltic Sea which is completely controlled by Denmark and Sweden is also disadvantages from Polish geography.

TOP 6: Kiribati

Kiribati is a Polynesian nation lying from west to east widely. Although it’s sea area is almost the size of the US, its 32 islands and 110 thousands residents seems very small. Anyway, Kiribatian territory hard for transportation, communication, military, and economic development. Also due to destruction of the environment, the rise of sea level is also a huge issue in Kiribatian geography.

Today, we learned about 5 countries with one of the worst geographic locations. Stay tuned for rest of the top 5. Stay tuned.

*Inspired by 지식스쿨: 복불복? 지리적 위치가 굉장히 불리하다고 평가 받는 국가 Top 10

