How to Love Your Body Unconditionally: A Quantum Physics Approach

Hoshang Vari
4 min readFeb 27, 2024

Every day, we get bombarded by images of beautiful women and muscular men on the front of magazines. Men pushing out their chests and women pushing up their breasts and popping out their buttocks in gym selfies or simply on social media. This leads to millions of men and women around the world feeling anxious about their body image and thinking: I don’t like myself because I am too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, or not muscular enough. Women may also dislike the size of their breasts, buttocks, or legs.

All those inner voices in your head bring you insecurity, lower your self-esteem, decrease your deserve level and damage your self-confidence. Eventually you feel that you are not enough.

In this article, I will teach you how to own, embrace and love every part of your body unconditionally.

I will share with you a technique that is based on a universal law of physics: when a particle and an anti-particle meet, they create light. And in human beings, when a positive emotion and a negative emotion meet, they create love. The technique is simple yet, it is so powerful.

So, I will guide you through a step-by-step process that will help you balance a positive emotion with a negative emotion by changing how you perceive a certain part of your body that you don’t like. This will dissolve the negative emotion and create unconditional love for yourself.

True love is a synthetic feeling which is embracing the whole. It is not a polarised emotion like infatuation or resentment which focuses on only one side either positive or negative. I hope that it makes sense.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Make a list of every part of your body that you love.

Do this consciously, to send a signal to your subconscious mind that you are worthy of love, because your subconscious mind is the emotional part of the brain that drives you. But also to raise your self-esteem, because self-esteem is how much you like yourself.

Step 2: Make a list of every part of your body that you don’t like.

Balance out your perception about them one by one by asking yourself, “How does this part of my body help me fulfil my destiny, my dream, or my highest values- or what is important to me?”

Ask: “How do my hands, my legs, or whatever part of your body, assist me to achieve my purpose, my dream, or what is important to me?” Keep asking yourself over and over again until you own and appreciate every part of your body that you don’t like.

Or you can simply ask yourself, “What are the benefits of this part of me to me?” Make sure to use past, present and future tenses. Also, make sure to look for the benefits in the seven areas of life: Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Financial, Vocational, Familial and Social. Write down at least 20 benefits for each part of your body that you don’t like.

For example:

Spiritually: I feel bad about myself for being overweight and because of that I’ve joined a yoga, meditation and spirituality class to lose weight but also, to learn how to have peace in mind and stay present.

Mentally: I wouldn’t go out with my friends because I would feel embarrassed, so I would stay at home reading books.

Financially: I don’t go out for shopping a lot because I feel insecure about my body and because of that I saved a lot of money.

Keep asking yourself over and over again in every area of your life until you fully own it.

To determine exactly what your highest values are, I have prepared a worksheet for you, which is a step-by-step guide to help you uncover your highest values. Click the link below to get started!

Step 3: Write down the drawbacks of what you wish they were different.

For example: I wish I had two beautiful legs. The drawbacks: If I had two beautiful legs, maybe, I wouldn’t work on my personal growth, I wouldn’t work out, I would go out a lot with my friends and wouldn’t take care of my kids like I do now, I would go for shopping a lot and I would spend a lot of money instead of saving it, and so on.

Again, look for the drawbacks in the seven areas of life. Write down at least 20 drawbacks for each part of your body that you wish it was different.

Step 4: Write a thank you letter to yourself to express your love to yourself and appreciate who you are for what you have got.

You only understand, feel and experience the power of this technique when you complete the exercise. Once you do that, your negative emotion dissolves in less than a minute. Your self-esteem, your deserve level and your self-confidence go up then you will start to love yourself even more. I promise you.

Are you ready to uncover your highest values?! [Download the worksheet here to get started!]

