The Best Proven Tips for IELTS Reading Success

Hosna Salehi
2 min readApr 16, 2023


Over the past 12+ years of IELTS tutoring, I have assisted hundreds of candidates in achieving scores of 7 or higher. Here are the tips that have helped my students achieve impressive scores in reading.

  1. Take the time to FULLY UNDERSTAND the QUESTION! Doing so will help you identify relevant information and select the correct answer.
  2. Deliberate practice is more effective than simply taking numerous tests. If you answer a question incorrectly in your practice tests, take the time to UNDERSTAND WHY you got it wrong and HOW you can avoid the same mistake in the future.
  3. Here’s a useful tip to remember. The answers to the following types of questions are typically presented IN ORDER within the passage: •Gap-Fill, •True/False/Not Given, •Multiple Choice, •Matching Sentence Endings, and •Short Answer Questions.
  4. Remember that the answers to the following question types are NEVER presented IN ORDER within the passage. •Matching Paragraph Headings, •Identifying The Paragraph with Specific Information, and •Matching Names with Statements.
  5. Stay focused and strategic! Identify the KEYWORDS and KEYWORD SYNONYMS in each question before you start searching for the answer.
  6. SCANNING is a powerful technique for finding information quickly in the IELTS reading test. To use this method effectively, move your eyes down the text in a ZIGZAG pattern from RIGHT to LEFT. This strategy will help you locate the necessary information faster!
  7. SKIMMING is a crucial strategy in the IELTS reading test. Quickly read through the TOPIC SENTENCES to grasp the main ideas. This method is particularly useful when MATCHING HEADINGS.
  8. DON’T overlook the TITLE of a passage in the IELTS reading test. The title is there to help you better understand the material. Take a moment to read the title BEFORE you start reading the passage.
  9. Use your time wisely. If you get stuck on a tough question, move on to the next one and come back to the difficult one later.
  10. Want to improve your vocabulary skills? Analyze word parts such as PREFIXES and SUFFIXES. For instance, the prefix “dis-” typically indicates negation or opposition, as in words like disagree or disobey.
  11. DON’T RISK a lower score by relying on prior knowledge instead of the information provided in the passage.
  12. Take the time to READ CAREFULLY when searching for specific, detailed information in tasks such as True/False/Not Given questions. However, for more general information, such as Matching Paragraph Headings, you may be able to READ FASTER.
  13. DON’T spend too much time on unfamiliar words. Sometimes, you don’t need to know them. Take a GUESS if necessary.
  14. Make an educated guess if you run out of time. Remember, you don’t lose points for incorrect answers!



Hosna Salehi

As an experienced English teacher and IELTS trainer for 15+ years, I'm passionate about providing clear explanations for success without a tutor!