Right Approach for SEO: Vue/Vite SPA with Server-Side Rendering vs. Laravel with Vite/Vue

3 min readApr 12, 2024


When it comes to developing a modern web application with a focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), developers often find themselves at a crossroads, choosing between a Vue/Vite Single Page Application (SPA) with server rendering features, or a traditional Laravel framework utilizing Vite/Vue for asset bundling. Each approach has distinct advantages and potential drawbacks, particularly in how they handle SEO, a critical factor in the visibility and success of any web application. This article explores both options to help developers make an informed decision.

Vite — Vue — Laravel — NodeJS

Vue/Vite SPA with Server-Side Rendering

A Vue/Vite SPA is enticing due to its modern architecture and the flexibility it offers. Using Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, alongside Vite, a newer, faster bundler and development environment, can significantly enhance the development experience and performance of applications. However, SPAs traditionally struggle with SEO since search engines may not effectively crawl JavaScript-generated content. This is where server-side rendering (SSR) becomes valuable. SSR renders the Vue components on the server before sending the fully formed HTML to the client, making the content crawlable by search engine bots from the get-go.

Implementing SSR can be more complex with a Vue/Vite setup, but frameworks like Nuxt.js offer streamlined ways to achieve SSR with Vue.js. This setup not only boosts SEO but also improves the initial load time and user experience by serving fully rendered content to users.

Laravel with Vite/Vue

On the other side, Laravel, a robust PHP framework, offers a more traditional approach to web development. By integrating Vue.js through Vite within Laravel, developers can leverage Laravel’s powerful features for routing, controllers, and models, while still benefiting from the reactive components of Vue.js. Laravel’s server-side rendering is intrinsic, given its PHP roots, which means content is inherently SEO-friendly as it is already server-rendered.

The integration of Vite with Laravel for managing Vue assets introduces a modern toolchain that enhances asset loading speeds and optimizes delivery for production. This combination can be particularly powerful for applications requiring complex backend functionalities with a dynamic frontend but still need good SEO out of the box.

SEO Considerations

The choice between these two approaches often boils down to specific SEO needs. Vue/Vite SPAs with SSR can be very SEO-friendly when configured correctly, potentially equaling the SEO performance of a Laravel setup. However, this might require additional configuration and setup, such as pre-rendering or configuring a Nuxt.js server.

Laravel with Vite/Vue, meanwhile, offers a more straightforward setup for SEO, since the server-rendered pages are more naturally indexed by search engines. This can be a significant advantage for applications where SEO is a priority from the outset, reducing the need for additional configurations.

Development Experience and Performance

Both setups propose unique advantages in terms of development experience and performance. Vue/Vite with SSR is cutting-edge, offering faster reloads and a more modular development experience. Laravel with Vue, while more traditional, provides a robust, full-stack development environment that many developers find easier to scale and maintain.


The decision between a Vue/Vite SPA with SSR and Laravel with Vite/Vue depends largely on the project requirements, developer expertise, and specific SEO needs. If you prioritize a modern, fast frontend with potentially complex states and are prepared to handle the intricacies of SSR for SEO, a Vue/Vite SPA might be the way to go. Conversely, if you prefer a more straightforward, robust server-side solution with less configuration for good SEO performance, Laravel with Vue and Vite is an excellent choice. In either scenario, understanding the trade-offs and benefits is key to choosing the right framework for your project’s success.

Good luck :)

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/right-approach-seo-vuevite-spa-server-side-rendering-vs-benabid-p2z8e

