The United States of America Will Collapse So Long as Americans Don’t Come to Grips With Reality

Hossam Gamea
5 min readMar 21, 2017


The United States of America is probably the most successful brainwashing experiment that has ever been conducted in human history. The amount of people who actively, even after educating themselves on an issue, support policies and politicians that outright go against their best interests is quite appalling. The lack of self reflection and the amount of hypocrisy that goes into shaming other countries for things that we’ve done in far larger scales and in far more inhumane ways is appalling. Russia, for example, even if it comes out that there’s overwhelming evidence that shows they influenced the election process and aimed to get Donald Trump elected, would have done so in such a way where their desired candidate would be president for just 4 years maximum, (if Democrats actually put up a more marketable candidate than Hillary Clinton) and by utilizing factual evidence of the corruption of the Democrats from the DNC emails to do so, not lies and fabrications about Hillary Clinton.

The U.S. on the other hand, when it got its hands dirty in 81 other countries’ electoral processes, often times started mass revolts and overturned governments that were democracies into straight up dictatorships that would last for decades by utilizing propaganda, paramilitaries, and the most corrupt entities of those societies in order to ensure a successful upheaval of a government that may not operate on the best interests of American corporations and Imperialism. The amount of people that actively fight against having free healthcare, free education, racial justice, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, animal rights, income equality, privacy rights, and restrictions on corporations that actively harm them due to fallacious theoretical principles (theories that not even based on facts or proof of practice but pure conjecture) of conservatism, capitalism, liberalism, or “the market” that were literally created by those very same oligarchs who own the corporations that are taking advantage of these people, is asinine.

I am sincerely asking all of us, including myself, to actively detox our minds from the toxic and exploitative lies that this country has embroiled us in. We haven’t formally apologized for slavery in a meaningfully serious way, let alone recompensed those families who still feel its impacts to this day. We have never given the Natives their due justice and actively undermine them even now after breaking countless treatises and still oppressively occupying their reservations as we see in #NODAPL. We’ve spent trillions of dollars destroying Iraq (and continue to destroy) and none of that money used in aid to rebuild the country we’ve devastated based on outright lies and deception. There are too many injustices perpetuated by our country which have yet to be undone to name in a single post; which evidently speaks volumes to how persistent and destructive our indifference and lack of accountability to our government has been.

I don’t believe that I am being alarmist when I say that the United States of America is most definitely collapsing. This in and of itself may not be a bad thing when you account for how oppressive of an empire, much like the Roman, Greek, and British ones before it, the U.S. has been. However, because of the interconnected globalized economy of the world that was forced upon the globe by the U.S. and its allies; a U.S. that completely collapses will bring a myriad of poorer nations and people who’ve known nothing but abuse and exploitation by the post-modern world down with it and for this reason it’s imperative that we as a people functionally change the systems in place not just to protect ourselves, but to ensure that in its final song the U.S. empire doesn’t cause anymore devastation than it already has.

The collapse of the U.S. empire is absolutely necessary for a more just world to be realized. However, it must occur through a collective effort by the people in such a way that ensures a new system is put in place that rights the wrongs of this nation. Nonetheless, the collapse that is being warned about and that we should all fear is one that merely occurs unplanned with no preparation or replacement whatsoever for what’s to come, and not one that occurs as a result of a decision made by the people.

In order to prevent this from occurring it’s important to recognize the reality that the U.S. is collapsing not because of Donald Trump, but because the capitalist and imperialist systems themselves aren’t sustainable. Systems based on lies and fabrications of facts and realities aren’t sustainable because nature doesn’t care about nor operate on lies, only the realities of the fixated laws which governs it. This country would be on the verge of collapsing regardless of which President was in office, though Donald Trump is bringing that reality into fruition a little quicker than anticipated. Yet, it’s important not to lose sight of the other reason this country is spearheading right to its demise, and that is that the American populace is largely complacent and indifferent.

Even in these times where there is a widespread re-invigoration of political activism, the “resistance” is too complacent to actually challenge systems of power and instead lazily only fixates on Trump’s corruption and hypocrisy (which is the EASY thing to do now, it is neither brave nor daring at this point). The problem with the resistance is that Democratic candidates who uphold those failing systems are being lauded and celebrated as being pseudo saviors of American people by many in the “resistance.” We need to wake up and maintain a resistance that addresses corruption and oppression at all levels, and one that abandons the oligarch political establishment entirely. The U.S. isn’t immune to the realities of other empires as we’d like to believe. The U.S. has always been safe from terrorism and foreign attacks/invaders; however the U.S. is not safe from God and as anyone who believes in God will tell you, God doesn’t like injustice.

The chickens are coming home to roost and it’s no coincidence that all of the injustices our country has been guilty of and that our population silently continued to abide by and allow the government to get away with, that the government is now using those same elements of oppression it utilized against minorities and foreign countries against the majority at home. This is all the natural progression of our indifference and continued intellectual laziness. People in America get more upset about those who tell the truth in a harsh way than those who actively lie in ways that kill people but do so with a nice smile and pretty face. That is evidently going to be the fall of this country; an empire collapsing with a population that just didn’t care enough to come to grips with the reality of their country’s injustice, merely because the truth hurts to hear.

