
Hotmail Login UK | | Hotmail Email Login

Hotmail Login UK
2 min readSep 29, 2018 — It sometimes happens that Messenger can not log on properly. Below is a list of possible problems and their solutions so you can successfully log Messenger.

The first thing you see is if you’ve written your Windows Live ID correctly, the Windows Live ID is simply your Hotmail e-mail. Then check that the password is correct, for it identifies whether the shift key is not enabled.

login messenger hotmail

Check the internet conection!
Open a web browser like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to check that you have an Internet connection access list. Many times we check if Internet connection.

Problems with the firewall
Another problem that may be happening is you have the firewall blocking the Messenger, for that go to control panel, firewall and blocked applications list uncheck Windows Live Messenger.

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