Mike M
1 min readJun 25, 2019


This woman’s issue, as with all women like her, is a complete inability to put themselves in men’s shoes for even a minute and consider their perspectives and desires.

That’s because of an inherent solipsism, reinforced in childhood by being treated like a princess, then in teenage-years by excessive amounts of male attention, add in later years by gobbling up the feminist narrative that women can have it all and deserve it all. All their life, they’ve been experiencing the idea that other people’s wants and preferences (and particularly, guys) don’t matter one bit.

And so it really bites them when one day they discover that their path to their desires are obstructed by men’s unwillingness to cooperate. I believe their shock is genuine. Men aren’t supposed to tell her “no thanks I’ll pass”. That never happened before! Nobody told her that this was even an option! And so, as usual when a woman doesn’t get her way, the classic response is to try to shame people into changing their mind, and that’s how you get articles like this.

