House Game Whitepaper

House Game
6 min readJan 15, 2022


The Game

House Game is a P2E yield strategy game based on real estate, launching publicly in March 2022. It combines both ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens to create a unique on-chain gaming experience.

Players will be able to purchase randomly generated visually unique Houses and Utility Buildings. Each House and is a valuable NFT with different models, attributes and rarity levels. Each House yields a variable amount of $CASH daily based on their model. $CASH is a utility token players will yield by staking Houses and Utility Buildings. Players can burn $CASH to compete for leaderboard placement in weekly competitions.

How To Play

When House Game publicly releases, there will be a total of 14,000 visually randomly generated houses and 700 visually unique randomly generated Utility Buildings. Users will be able to mint half of the Houses and all of the Utility Buildings during the public sale. The remaining 7,000 will only be minted using $CASH, the House Game utility token.

When players stake a House or Utility Building, they begin to yield $CASH. Players can claim their $CASH and use it to mint additional Houses and Utility Buildings, to compete in leaderboard competitions, as well as save it for future utility as we continue to roll out updates.

You can read more about how much $CASH Houses and Utility Buildings yield and their cost to mint in our documentation.

How To Earn

In House Game, the primary way of earning $CASH is by staking Houses or Utility Buildings. More ways to earn $CASH will be introduced as we continue to expand House Game.

What are voluntary taxes?

House Game’s reward system is a novel deflationary mechanic that incentivizes players to burn their $CASH while competing against other players in a leveled playing field. We will be releasing more information as we near the end of development for our reward system. By this time, ample $CASH will have been yielded through staking to make the reward system more competitive.

Each time a house or utility building is purchased, 7% of that transaction value is directed to the current week’s reward pool. The reward system heavily relies on secondary market sales.

Example: If the transaction volume for the first week is 5,000 ETH, the reward pool for that week will be 350 ETH (5,000 x 7%).

You can learn more about our reward system in our documentation.


We’ll be explaining important game concepts and mechanics in the near future to allow players to better understand House Game.

Launch Day

7,000 unique Houses and 700 unique Utility Buildings will be available to mint using ETH. Players will immediately have access to the game interface and most of the game features on our website.

Whitelist Presale

There will be 3,000 whitelist spots. Each wallet will be able to mint 3 Houses or 1 Utility Building. The price to mint a house will be 0.07 ETH and the price to mint a Utility Building will be 0.35 ETH.

Public Sale

The public sale will start 24 hours after the whitelist presale. The price to mint a House will be 0.1 ETH and the price to mint a Utility Building will be 0.5 ETH.


There are a total of 7 different House models. Each model yields a different amount of $CASH per day. Additionally, Houses have different visual attributes that make each House completely unique. The more houses you own, the more $CASH you yield and the more powerful you become in this game of acquisition. You can learn more about all house models, yield rates, rarity levels and risks in our documentation.

Utility Buildings

Utility Buildings are different from Houses. Utility Buildings don’t yield at a fixed rate like Houses do and they don’t receive a tenant when staked. Every time a house owner claims $CASH, 25% of the total claimed is distributed evenly amongst all staked utility buildings. Utility Buildings are all unique with different visual attributes. You can learn more about Utility Building risks in our documentation.


Each time a player stakes a house, a tenant with a random rating of 1–10 will be assigned to that House. The lower a tenant’s rating, the worse that tenant is. Tenant ratings impact how much players receive when they claim yielded $CASH, as well as when players unstake a house. All $CASH lost to tenants will be burned.

For a player to unstake a house, there must be at least 3 days worth of accumulated $CASH. There is a chance that a player will receive the $CASH when they unstake their house. That chance is the tenant’s rating multiplied by 10.

Example: If a tenant has a rating of 3, and the player decides to unstake the house that tenant is in, there is a 30% chance the player will receive the accumulated $CASH (Tenant's Rating x 10).

In addition, when a player decides to claim accumulated $CASH, there is a chance that the tenant has caused property damages. That chance is based on the tenant’s rating multiplied by 10. If a tenant does cause property damages, a percentage of the claimable $CASH will be deducted and burned. That percentage is based off of the house model.

Example: If a tenant has a rating of 7 and the player decides to claim their accumulated $CASH, there is a 70% chance the tenant won’t cause property damages (Tenant’s Rating x 10).

You can learn more about how much property damage a tenant can cause in our documentation.

How To win

The objective in House Game is to acquire as many properties as possible. The more properties a player owns, the more $CASH they yield which is important for gameplay in future stages of House Game. Players can use their acquired $CASH to mint more Houses and save up for future expansions of House Game.


1 $CASH = 1 $CASH

Our utility token is $CASH, and it’s only intended use is for gameplay within House Game. Any $CASH used by players will be completely burned. None of it will be placed in developer wallets or staff wallets. Pure transparency.


Most NFT projects are released with a roadmap filled with promises and high expectations. We differentiate ourselves by releasing House Game with the majority of features and mechanics being fully functional on launch day.

The future of House Game will be community driven, so be sure to stay up to date with the roadmap section on our website.


Our goal is to be as transparent as possible. We believe in creating fair games for players to be able to enjoy. That is why we have taken a big portion of what would have been profit for us, and redistributed it back into the game. We believe in the integrity and future of House Game.

Evandro Rodrigues is the founder and lead developer of House Game. He runs and maintains all operations and is entirely responsible for the development and direction of House Game. The rest of the team is currently being managed by Evandro and are doxed to him as well. As House Game continues to grow, we will be onboarding more people in an effort to realize our visions for House Game. We’ll keep everyone posted when we are looking to hire.

You can view our entire core team on our website.


We highly recommend players read through our official documentation to learn more about the game and what the future holds for House Game. We’re here for the long run and we have a lot of unique mechanics that create a fun, innovative and engaging gaming experience.



House Game

On-chain landlords compete to grow their real estate portfolio and earn $CASH. Novel mechanics. Entirely on the blockchain.