2 min readMay 26, 2017


I love my job.

My official job title is ‘ JavaScript QA automation developer’. I work in an open office during office hours, and in a room with 3 amazing 23 inch displays and an amazing desk, home.

I am an JS QA automotion developer and I love my job.

I am doing QA automation, QA manual, customer support, sales, cold emails, seo, front-end development, back end development, networking, etc. I can think of few more things that I am doing. I get about 100 emails per day.

I always have something to do. it keeps me focused, sharp, I need to use my brain, I need to be creative, I need to be fake, I need to look convincing, I need to be a whole new person every once in a while. I am having a blast on what I am doing, and I started doing this some good years ago.

Don’t get me wrong. I get bored. Everybody does. Didn’t you always had some friends that knew what did they wanted to be since they were little kids? well, I was one of those kids. I just realized that very late. And by very late, I mean I was already 20. I never did anything else ever since, I am never planning on doing something else. And I wouldn’t change what I’m doing for the world.

I work hard every day, I always fall asleep happy, because I know that my works makes a difference for other people.

Having people around me everyday is important. Having a great pair of headphones, it’s amazing. If you need silence and quiet so you can think. Try cutting all the noise around you for 2 hours. See what that does to your thinking and your brain.

Be creative. Build something. Do new stuff. Meet people. Think. Do sport.

I see your post as amazingly cruel, not doing something you would not enjoy. Enjoy something hard enough, and you’ll have your own expertise.

My advice? Always love what to do. Love your work. It’s really important.

See more, about what I do, here :

Be kind, as I’m just getting started with blogging.

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I am passionate about programming, automation, selenium and JavaScript. I am also eager to learn new stuff, entrepreneur and blogger. Looking for challenges!