What is RBS Test? Why You Need an RBS Test

House of Diagnostics
4 min readApr 19, 2023


The Random Blood Sugar (RBS) test is a simple and quick blood test that measures the amount of glucose in your blood. It is a diagnostic tool used to screen for and diagnose diabetes, a condition in which the body is unable to regulate the level of blood sugar effectively.

Why You Need an RBS Test

The test shows the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The main source of energy for our body (cells, tissues and organs) is sugar. In the metabolic process, the carbohydrates are broken down by the body into sugar, which enters the blood stream. The sugar gets absorbed by the intestines and delivered by the blood to the various organs. Any surplus is stored as glycogen in the liver for short-term storage or as triglycerides in the fat tissues for long-term storage. A hormone called insulin aids this absorption, use, and storage of glucose. This insulin regulates the delivery of glucose to organs such as the heart, brain, working muscles, and its main function is to lower blood sugar levels. People with type 1 diabetes are not able to make insulin, and people with type 2 diabetes either don’t make enough insulin or their body doesn’t use it properly. This causes high levels of glucose in the blood, called hyperglycemia, or low levels, called hypoglycemia. In case the insulin is not produced correctly, glucose remains in the blood and cannot get to the cells where it is most needed.

An RBS test is advised if you have symptoms of diabetes, like more thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, or slow healing of wounds. The test is also used to monitor blood sugar levels in people who have been diagnosed with diabetes to ensure that their treatment plan is working effectively.

If left untreated, diabetes can cause many issues related to health. High blood sugar levels can cause damage to blood vessels and nerves, leading to issues such as heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, nerve damage, and eye damage. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent these complications and improve your overall health and quality of life.

There are plenty of pathology facilties which offer RBS test in Delhi.

Procedure for the test

The test is a simple procedure that can be done at a laboratory, clinic, or doctor’s office. Here is what to expect during the test:

Preparation: You will be asked to fast for at least 8 hours before the test. This means you cannot consume food or drinks, except for water, during this period.

Blood collection: A healthcare professional will collect a sample of blood from a vein in your arm using a needle and syringe. It is a painless and fast procedure.

In case your blood sugar comes at a higher level, your doctor may recommend further tests, such as a fasting blood sugar test, oral glucose tolerance test, or hemoglobin A1C test, to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes.

If you are a resident of Delhi-NCR, and want to know RBS test price in Delhi, you can contact the nearest pathology centre to know about this test.

What to know before taking an RBS Test

To ensure accurate test results, it is important to follow these tips before your RBS test:

Inform your doctor of any medications you are taking, as some medications can affect blood sugar levels.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol before the test, as they can also affect blood sugar levels.

Dress comfortably, as you may need to sit still for a few minutes during the blood collection process.

Stay calm and relaxed during the test, as stress can affect blood sugar levels.

Search online by typing keywords ‘RBS test near me’ if you want to know the pathology facilities near you.

It is important to note that there are many factors that can affect blood glucose levels throughout the day, including food intake and the duration and intensity of physical activity. Generally, people without diabetes tend to have blood glucose levels within the normal range. However, various factors can cause blood glucose levels to increase, such as overeating, low levels of physical activity, medication side effects, illnesses, stress, menstrual cycles, and dehydration. On the other hand, blood glucose levels can decrease due to factors such as not eating enough food, drinking alcohol, medication side effects, and intense physical activity or exercise.

Where can you get this test done?

The RBS test can be done in a variety of settings, including doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic laboratories. Some pharmacies also offer RBS testing services. In many cases, the test can be done by the patient at home using a glucose meter and test strips purchased from a pharmacy.

RBS test cost will vary depending on the location of the pathology centre.

What are the risks involved in this test?

Random blood sugar tests are generally considered safe and have very minimal risks associated with them. However, there are a few risks that one should be aware of. One of the most common risks is minor pain or discomfort during the procedure. As the needle is inserted into the vein, one may feel a tiny amount of discomfort similar to an ant bite, and a small bruise might form at the injection site. These symptoms generally disappear on their own within a few hours.



House of Diagnostics

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