Houseparty Evolved

3 min readDec 19, 2018


Be you, be there, be together

Houseparty here! Didn’t recognize us?! That’s because we’ve got a fresh look. We think it fits us just right.

Since launch, we’ve advocated for face-to-face communication because it’s the closest thing to hanging out in person. In-the-moment expressions and dialogue are what make us human and require mutual involvement. Sure, that’s not as easy as a like, follow, or comment. But, human connection is critical and worth the effort.

Who we are

We’re built around real friends who provide value to each other, not us. We are a face-to-face social network, rather than social media. What’s with the nuance? Well, we value human connection over content, prioritize qualitative affirmation, not quantitative validation, and believe that being together should be as easy as just showing up.

How we show up

We loved our red cup icon. It was designed to convey the warmth and closeness of a house party. Over time, we realized our red cup was misunderstood, more often associated with frat parties than human connection. We decided we needed a better representation of our mission; something that is universally recognizable as a symbol for human connection.

Wave hello; A new look for an old outlook

Today, we’re excited to introduce “The Wave”. Everyone is familiar with a wave. You’ve seen one before, in real life and online. In most situations, that wave probably invited you into a conversation with someone you know. In our app, it’s always been a way to summon people you want to talk to.

There’s good reason a wave has such positive association with human connection. And we think those reasons also make it the perfect symbol to represent Houseparty.

  • It’s warm: A wave is a fundamentally welcoming, human gesture.
  • It’s human: It’s a symbol recognized across the globe.
  • It’s empathetic: You know where someone is coming from when they wave at you, and it requires two people to work…you can’t wave at someone you can’t see.

Whether it be online or in real life, we hope this new look inspires you to invite the people you care about into a meaningful conversation.

