DIY Orange Face Mask | HouseWiki

House Wiki
2 min readApr 24, 2018


Many people throw out orange peels once they’re done eating or juicing an orange. But did you know that orange peels are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants?

The orange peels even have a higher vitamin C content than the fleshy inside!

It’s not difficult to make your own orange peel powder — all you need are oranges, a blender, and one to five days (in order to give the orange peels time to dry).

Here’s a quick explanation on how to make sun-dried orange peel powder at home.

1. To make powdered orange peel, simply save up orange peels from the organic oranges you eat, remove the white fribrous parts on the inside of the peel, and wash them in warm distilled water.
2. Spread the orange peels in a tray and place them in an area that receives plenty of sunshine. Leave them there until they are thoroughly dried — this usually takes one to two days, but can take up to five in cold, cloudy weather. If you are leaving the orange peels outdoors, cover them with a thin cloth or net for protection against dirt and insects.
3. Now crush and powder your peels into a fine powder using a food processor or blender, without adding any water.
4. Store your sun-dried orange peel powder in an airtight jar.

Now that you have made your own orange peel powder, you can mix it in your regular mask or scrub and give them the added boost of powerful oranges!



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