There Are Various Sorts of Email Layouts

maria lopez
2 min readSep 21, 2021


At the point when you plan an email crusade in Mailchimp,

At the point when you plan an email crusade in Mailchimp, you’ll regularly start with one of our layouts. Browse an assortment of alternatives planned considering distinctive business objectives and styles, or code your own layout without any preparation.

Things to know

Contingent to your arrangement, you might not approach the entirety of our layout choices. To discover what elements are remembered for each arrangement, look at our evaluating page.

For the new developer

Formats for our new email developer use inline altering, so you can make changes straightforwardly in the plan. Regardless of which layout you start with, you can add or eliminate distinctive substance impedes and alter the styles on a case-by-case basis.

To get to them, explore to the Formats page and snap Make Layout. You can likewise think that they are in the new developer. For bit-by-bit guidelines, browse out Make an Email Layout.


This is the default monochrome layout for any email you start without any preparation. It incorporates placeholders for a logo, header, section, picture, and catch. The format varieties Striking and Regular have comparable designs with various shadings and textual styles chosen.

Straightforward Text

This is a decent spot to begin in the event that you don’t have to add pictures. It incorporates placeholders for a logo, header, section, and catch.


In case pictures are the feature of your email, you might need to pick this layout. It Incorporates placeholders for two pictures and a catch.

For the exemplary manufacturer

Exemplary layouts utilize our exemplary intuitive email manufacturer. Many are planned considering a particular use case, and all utilization our exemplary substance blocks.

To get to them, explore the Layouts page and snap Make Format. Then, at that point, click the comparing tabs. You can likewise think that they are on the Layouts step of the exemplary developer. For bit-by-bit directions, browse out Make an Email Format.



maria lopez

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