My 100 Days : The challenge

Houssem Masri
2 min readJul 4, 2020


What challenge did i do? Check out the live version and the source code of Tic Tac Toe .

The story:

I’m already doing the 100 days challenge , With the goal of getting a job , in the same time to get the best out of myself and to do the best i can do . My first project is done , and now it is time for the second project which i wanted to be a challenge .

The challenge :

The challenge was making the project afap with a deadline of a week . got the idea of making a tic tac toe since it seems a cool thing to make , and it has many parts and logic (means that it is good for showing the ability ) .

The game:

The stack :

For building the game i used react js and bootsrap .

The logic :

first there is a square which is the big array every array inside is a row and every element inside is a column, it looks like this :


When you play your turn , it looks like this e.g :


There is a function that detects the winner , the winner counter increase and a notification of who won is shown .

Single Player mode :

i used math.random() to generate two number between 0 and 2 , the first number represents the row and the second represents the column . it checks if the element is empty if not it generates two numbers again .

The results :

Made it in 5 days , it has two modes : single player and multi player . it shows you the winner and it has a counter for every player and for how many times each one of them won .

