How to Get Rid of Being High: Navigating the Aftermath

Averill Linardi
8 min readMay 14, 2024


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Whether it’s from alcohol, drugs, or other substances, being high can leave you feeling disoriented and out of control. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore strategies on how to get rid of being high and return to a state of sobriety. From hydration techniques to distraction methods, let’s delve into practical solutions for navigating the aftermath of intoxication.

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Understanding Being High: What Causes It?

Being high is the result of consuming substances that alter your mental and physical state. Understanding the mechanisms behind being high can help you better manage its effects.

Types of Intoxication: Alcohol vs. Drugs

Explore the differences between alcohol intoxication and drug-induced highs, including their effects on the body and mind.

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Factors Influencing Intoxication: From Dosage to Tolerance

Learn about the various factors that influence the intensity and duration of being high, such as the dosage consumed, individual tolerance levels, and metabolic rate.

The Science of Intoxication: Neurochemical Effects

Delve into the neurochemical changes that occur in the brain during intoxication, including the release of neurotransmitters and the impact on cognitive function.

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Safely Sobering Up: Strategies and Techniques

When you find yourself feeling too high, it’s essential to take proactive steps to sober up safely and regain control of your faculties.

Hydration: The Power of Water

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush toxins from your system. Hydration can help alleviate symptoms of dehydration and reduce the severity of a hangover.

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Rest and Relaxation: Allowing Time to Pass

Find a quiet and comfortable environment to rest and allow your body to metabolize the substances more efficiently. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can promote a sense of calm and aid in sobering up.

Physical Activity: Stimulating Circulation

Engage in light physical activity, such as taking a brisk walk or stretching exercises, to stimulate blood circulation and accelerate the metabolism of intoxicants.

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Healthy Nutrition: Replenishing Essential Nutrients

Eat a balanced meal containing carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins to replenish nutrients depleted during intoxication. Focus on foods that are easy to digest and gentle on the stomach.

Seeking Support: When to Ask for Help

If you’re unable to sober up on your own or experiencing severe symptoms of intoxication, it’s crucial to seek help from a trusted friend, family member, or medical professional.

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Calling for Assistance: Knowing When It’s Necessary

Recognize the signs that indicate the need for medical intervention, such as loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, or persistent vomiting. Don’t hesitate to call emergency services if you or someone else is in distress.

Utilizing Harm Reduction Strategies: Preventing Overdose

Familiarize yourself with harm reduction strategies, such as using test kits to check the purity of substances or carrying naloxone for opioid overdoses. These measures can help prevent life-threatening situations and save lives.

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Reaching Out for Emotional Support: Coping with the Aftermath

Dealing with the aftermath of being high can be emotionally challenging. Reach out to supportive friends or attend therapy sessions to process your experiences and develop coping strategies.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long does it take to sober up from being high? The duration varies depending on factors like the type and dosage of the substance consumed, individual metabolism, and hydration levels. Generally, it can take several hours to fully sober up.

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Is it safe to sleep while high? Sleeping while high can increase the risk of accidents or medical complications, especially if you’re heavily intoxicated. It’s advisable to wait until the effects have worn off before attempting to sleep.

Can drinking coffee help sober you up? While caffeine may temporarily alleviate drowsiness, it does not accelerate the metabolism of intoxicants or reduce their effects. It’s essential to focus on hydration and rest for effective sobering up.

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What are the dangers of trying to sober up quickly? Attempting to sober up too quickly can strain your body and lead to dehydration, nausea, or fainting. It’s important to pace yourself and allow time for your body to naturally metabolize the substances.

Are there any home remedies for sobering up? While there are various home remedies touted for sobering up, such as drinking coffee or taking a cold shower, their effectiveness is limited. Hydration, rest, and time are the most reliable methods for sobering up safely.

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Should I seek medical help if I can’t sober up on my own? Yes, if you’re unable to sober up on your own or experiencing severe symptoms of intoxication, it’s essential to seek medical assistance promptly. Don’t hesitate to call emergency services for help.


Knowing how to get rid of being high and sober up safely is essential for anyone who has ever found themselves in a state of intoxication. By understanding the factors that influence intoxication, implementing practical strategies for sobering up, and seeking support when needed, you can navigate the aftermath of being high with confidence and responsibility.

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Averill Linardi

Health enthusiast advocating for balanced living, passionate about helping others break free from addiction for a healthier lifestyle.