Employment relations act Mauritius

Company Registration Expert
3 min readMar 18, 2020


The act in Mauritius is according to Employment Relations Act 2008. The acts are a new approach for the principles which underpins the Employment Law of Mauritius. During this year the National Assembly has changed the act where among the amendments the act produced the trade unions in the employer-worker relationship turns to be a good relationship. This act contexts various statements such as:

1. Accounting date registration done by the registered trade union which means the end period of the account which is according to the accounting period which is specified under section 24(2).

2. Agency shop order which is specified under section 47

3. Auditor meaning any person appointed as a general assembly member in the trade union

4. In this award is the award received by the Tribunal

5. Bargaining agent which is where the any trade union or any joint negotiation panel as the right to negotiate for the workers who belong to the bargaining unit. This unit means where the workers and different types of workers who are employed and have collective agreement among them.

6. Board in this act means National Remuneration Board which is produced in Section 90.

7. Branch in this act means branch of a trade union

8. Check-off agreement means an agreement between the employer and a trade union fees which is to be reduced from the wages of a worker by the employer and payment for trade union

9. Civil service union means trade union of workers, membership of which is confined to public officers.

10. Collective agreement is an agreement where it is related with the terms and conditions of employment which was made between the recognized trade union of workers or joint negotiating panel and an employer

11. Collective bargaining is the agreement made in relative of terms and conditions of employment and the content of an agreement.

12. Commission in terms is for the conciliation and mediation has been published in section 87 and it has also been published under section 90 which is the Rodrigues commission for conciliation and mediation under section 99.

13. Confederation in terms means association of federation

14. Contract of employment means the contract of services for apprenticeship which can be expressed or also implied.

15. Disciplined force is the same as section 111 as per the constitution

16. Employer is a person in an enterprise or in a corporate body where they can employ a worker.

17. Enterprise means production

18. Federation in this act means trade unions

19. Fire services also has the term fire service act

20. Joint negotiating panel means the representatives of 2 or more trade unions of workers who has skills of coordination and agreement.

Therefore, these are some of the few legal terms in which these have some meaning according to the Employment Rights Act 2008 in Mauritius.


Email: mauritius@sfconsultingbd.com
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Office Address: Standard Chartered Tower, Cybercity, Ebene, Quatre Bornes, Plaines Wilhelm, 72249, Mauritius

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