Frick & Frack Posing As Would-Be “Journalists”

Howard J. Eagle
13 min readOct 8, 2023

Greetings Mr. Peo, Mr. Mccleary, and Mr. Peo’s co-host (whom I do NOT know),

Mr. Peo, I listened to your 10/02/23 broadcast, which featured Mr. Clifford Florence Jr. as your guest. It was quite interesting (to say the very least) for a whole range of reasons.

I was most interested in the fact that near the end of your show, you mentioned that you had a 3 hour podcast with Mr. Dave McCleary the week before, in which I was a topic of conversation. It sure would have been nice, in fact, it would have been respectful if someone had informed me that I was being discussed. I was under the impression that such courtesy is standard practice relative to journalistic protocol and integrity. Actually, you may not know any better, but I certainly do not expect such journalistic-slouchiness from Mr. McCleary. In any case, had I not been listening to the broadcast featuring Brother Florence, I would not have known about your dastardly, public, character assassination.

It is correct that, in the past I had refused to come on your show. However, my refusal had absolutely nothing to do with “needing [my] entourage,” as Mr. McCleary characterized it. Nor was it a matter of needing “bodyguards” (according to your co-host, who, again, I don’t even know). I’ve only conversed with him ONCE via Facebook, and was definitely NOT impressed. I didn’t even remember his name until you all mentioned it during the podcast. I do remember (vaguely) debating with him on Facebook. However, I don’t even remember…

