Howard J. Eagle
3 min readMar 17, 2024


I have come to a point at which I’m calling US out. If WE really intend to impact racism (in concrete, significant, measurable, permanent ways, at least in my lifetime — I’m 70), WE must necessarily move far, far, far beyond merely writing anti-racist articles, posting symbolic, empathetic and sympathetic comments on social media, and holding scores and scores of mundane conferences, at which lots and lots of philosophical and intellectual-masturbation transpires, and then folks just return to their respective locales/silos (WITH NO ACTION-ORIENTED, STRATEGIC, COLLECTIVE, ANTI-RACIST AGENDA). And round-and-round-and round we go. It’s time to ramp up the so-called “anti-racist struggle.”

If we subscribe to the tenets of Ibram Kendi’s anti-racist philosophy and ideology, as I do — then we necessarily accept the reality that we are either racist, or anti-racist. There is no in-between.

Also, effective anti-racism is NOT merely about disconnected, sporadic events. Instead, it must necessarily consist of an ongoing strategic PROCESS, which must include concrete, significant, achievable, measurable, GOALS. And by process I am NOT referring merely to (for example) continuously writing articles and posting comments. Effective anti-racist processes MUST necessarily include human interaction/action.

In my humble, but unequivocally-staunch and informed view — in order to impact individual, institutional, and structural racism (in concrete, significant, measurable, permanent ways), ultimately, we need a deadly-serious national MOVEMENT (one that will make the modern U. S. Civil Rights Movement look like child’s-play). This is NOT rhetoric. I’m talking about a critical mass of committed individuals working together constantly and consistently via crystal-clear goals, strategies and tactics that are designed to impact racism in concrete, significant, measurable, permanent ways. And again, in my humble, but staunch view — folks such as Ibram Kendi, Tim Wise, Angela Davis, Robin DiAngelo, Michael Eric Dyson, Cornel West, Bettina Love, Nikole Hannah-Jones (just to name very, very few) who are acknowledged as the most advanced anti-racist thinkers and experts amongst us — should not only be getting together themselves — to discuss and help plan development of an ANTI-RACIST MOVEMENT, but they should also be calling together those of us who toil daily in the anti-racist killing-fields. If a collective of folks, such as those listed above called for US to gather for the purpose of moving toward the things that would be necessary in order to build a deadly-serious, anti-racist movement — wouldn’t you answer the call??? I know I would. I”M TALKING ABOUT NATIONAL LEADERSHIP (BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER).

Meanwhile, there are things that we can do in the here-and-now to help advance the “anti-racist struggle,” and hopefully help move us in the direction of a movement. For example, when we’re discussing racist incidents, individuals and/or institutions:

  • LET’S NAME THEM. WE NEED TO PUT A FACE ON RACISM (BEYOND THE KKK AND NEO-NAZI TYPES). LET’S REALLY BEGIN TO CALL IT OUT AT NEW LEVELS — NAMES, PLACES, TITLES, RELATIONSHIPS, ETC., ETC., ETC. . Racists are all around us — in all of the institutions; all of the workplaces; all of the social/entertainment venues; all of the political and cultural institutions, etc., etc, etc. . Racism is everywhere. It’s absolutely pervasive, but then, what else would we expect within a thoroughly racist, white-supremacist-based society? Yet, frequently, almost routinely, we talk and write about racism in abstract, nebulous terms.
  • LET’S BEGIN TO LIST ONGOING, GOAL-ORIENTED, STRATEGIC PROCESSES THAT WE’RE INVOLVED IN, which will help move us toward at least some semblance of national assessment regarding genuine, authentic, action-oriented, anti-racist initiatives and efforts that exists across the nation — as opposed to mere, frequently, purely-benign, anti-racist-INTELLECTUALISM (you know — publication of books, articles, lectures, seminars, so-called “training”, etc,), which should continue, but is nowhere near enough. As it relates to real, concrete, measurable, sustainable, permanent impact, WE NEED A MOVEMENT!!!

Here’s an initiative that those whom I work closest with are involved in, which represents a MINUSCULE example of the types of concrete, measurable, initiatives and goals that need to be developed: .