Attention to Detail, Slow Down: How Flying Changed my Life

Howard “Howardflyer” Lau
3 min readOct 24, 2018
Attention to detail, decision making, planning ahead.

Now I know some of you might be thinking, “How is it possible that flying a hunk of metal and aluminium in the air be so profound?” Hear me out. Firstly, there are many activities that one can partake in that can significantly change someone’s beliefs, character and personality. I have heard many say things like, “Running saved my life.” For me, its the process of learning to fly that had a profuse impact on my life.

Going back to 2015, I was in Year 10 and at that time my personality was described as harsh, bad tempered and impulsive. I lacked a plan for many things, I lost my temper easily when things go wrong and worst of all I panic and make decisions out of impulse rather than logic and known procedures.

Come June 2016, when I went on-board that Qantas flight from Hong Kong to Melbourne that started this journey of learning to fly. Learning to fly had always been a childhood dream of mine but this isn’t the point, the point is that my life is never the same ever since.

I still remember my first day in the flight school, having zero hours but what seemed like a million questions and ambitions in my head I went into my first ever theory lesson. I still remembered the subject was, “Basic Aeronautical Knowledge.” Basically aerodynamics, meteorology, local area navigation and aircraft systems…



Howard “Howardflyer” Lau

Pilot, history lover and also interested in Horology and especially wristwatches.