2017 — The Year of the Comeback

2 min readDec 12, 2017


There is much to complain about in 2017 and I am guilty of my share, but…

What. A. Year.

The routine of sharing ideas and writing here daily forced me to focus on startups, stocks, markets and now crypto that could make money. As a trend follower this was not a year to miss. I have NO idea when this ends but am really enjoying the silly (but legal) gains of the last 60 days.

I wont make predictions quite yet for 2018, but I am working on some good ones.

In the meantime, what a year for comebacks in 2017. In no specific order…

1. The Retail Investor — If you lost money investing or trading kittens in 2017 please just lie to your friends. This is the year they will believe anything.

2. Speculation — Not just Bitcoins…the 3x leveraged homebuilder ETF (aptly named $NAIL) is the best performing ETF year to date (2008 is so 1929).

2. Emerging Markets — ‘I leveraged my Philippines triple leveraged ETF to buy Bitcoins’ is the line I will be using to brag about gains at holiday cocktail parties. Insert any ‘emerging market’ and ‘leverage’ and ‘crypto’ and be the center of attention at all your holiday parties.

3. Bitcoin — Remember that cute 25 percent flash crash in March of this year…don’t worry because nobody does. The biggest brand of all time, the biggest returns of all time, available to practically anyone, built in 7 years with zero employees. Remarkable.

4. Winkelvoss Twins — I got these two handsome knuckleheads totally wrong. Kudos to them for taking their Facebook settlement money and buying Bitcoin. That was way cooler than being a founder of Facebook. I hope they run for President and Vice President and anti-trust the shit out of a few people. Revenge is best served as President.

5. Patrick Byrne — If you have not followed the bizarre stylings of the Overstock founder and CEO, take a few momwnts and catch up. He is having a fun last laugh in 2017.

I think 2017 proved that pretty much anything is possible in money and markets.

I am so excited to have the markets flattened and the onramp widened as we head into 2018.

It took longer than I imagined to happen and happened in ways I did not quite forsee, but what a time to have a smartphone, a strong social network and a few shekels.

Originally published at Howard Lindzon.




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