Momentum Monday — Down Goes Netflix

1 min readJul 17, 2018


The headlines will be all Netflix tomorrow.

Ivan and I ignore Netflix on this week’s show (they will be fine) but do share some new ideas as we tour the world of momentum:

The real (good) news for the markets continues to be the strong breadth. My friend JC (AllStar Charts) has been giving the all clear signal forever it seems and continues to be happy with the technicals. Here is his recent piece on the the markets.

As a reminder, Marketsmith (by Investor’s Business Daily) is now a sponsor of the weekly show. All the charts you have been seeing in the videos and will continue to see are from Marketsmith. They are offering my readers a three week trial for $19.95. Click this link if you would like to try it out.

PS — Netflix factoid of the day — Netflix market cap is down more after hours than it was worth three years ago.

Originally published at Howard Lindzon.




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