Nirvana — Momentum Monday

2 min readAug 28, 2018


Investing is so easy…assuming you bought weed stocks (on leverage) two weeks ago and sell tomorrow morning!

The truth as we all know is that investing is hard.

If you have a weakness in your strategy and or behavior, the market cuts and cuts and cuts until you are talking to yourself and your TV or computer screen all day and all night

The markets reel you in…and than pull the rug. Remember Bitcoin and Crypto in November…go skim my November blog posts here and you will see how silly it was. Yes, I was enjoying it, but in the silliness and glee, the writing was on the wall.

The good news if you are still standing, is that markets are opportunity machines.

Today, the Nasdaq closed above 8,000 for the first time. If I had told you back in November that the average cryptocurrency/ICO would be down 80 percent by August and the Nasdaq would keep making all-time highs you would not have acted on it and likely just called me names.

I did think that Crypto bubble would burst and I do believe the Nasdaq passes 10,000. Obviously the crypto space is in a horrific bear market. I do believe that crypto fever returns, I have no idea what it the fever will look like when it returns because it will not look the same. I also believe that on the way to crypto fever 2.0 there will be many false starts.

So what is working NOW Howard.

In today’s ‘Momentum Monday’ Ivanhoff and I get right to a bunch of fresh ideas. Here is the video.

The sectors I am focused on with fresh money (details in the show so you have to listen) include:

Medical Equipment
Cyber Security
Select Banking

As a reminder, Marketsmith (by Investor’s Business Daily) is now a sponsor of the weekly show. All the charts you have been seeing in the videos and will continue to see are from Marketsmith. They are offering my readers a three week trial for $19.95. Click this link if you would like to try it out.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Originally published at Howard Lindzon.




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