Off To Israel and There Has Never Been a Better Time

1 min readOct 29, 2016


I was watching the Cubs/Indians game and on popped this Cisco Commercial which I loved:

I am a sucker for ‘the glass looks half full’ that Cisco chose to use in the commercial.

Life is difficult but for me there has never been a better time.

I am lucky.

I was invited to tag along with with my friend Ryan Gilbert and his partners at Propel to Israel.

It’s for work…but my work includes meeting investors and founders and this time it is for four days in Israel.

My wife Ellen will be off to Vietnam with her two sisters for a trip of a lifetime.

My son Max will be home with a car and my debit card. His trip of a lifetime involves us GOING away.

My daughter Rachel said she just did well on a math midterm and signed her first lease on an apartment for next year at college.

All the ‘stuff’ and people in my life that aggravate me, or keeps me working and worrying is just part of the life is difficult stuff that pales in comparison to other people’s ‘life is difficult’.

I am glad I can live in the ‘there never has been a better time’ part more often than not.

I look forward to writing a bit while in Israel.

Originally published at Howard Lindzon.




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