Isomorphic React with node.js

Tom Howell
3 min readFeb 16, 2016


Isomorphic what?

Simply, it’s a fancy way of saying we’re going to render our React code server side as well as on the client.


  • Your dynamic JS is now search engine indexable, yay!
  • Better overall user experience.
  • Performance benefits.

Lets break it down

If you’d like to see the full source code for this article, you can find it here:

All we’re going to do here is create a component that renders a summary of a news article (title and date) from a static JSON file, both on the server and on the client.


import React from ‘react’;class News extends React.Component {

constructor() {
render() { let newsArticles = { return (
<p>{ n.title }</p>
<footer>{ }</footer>
{ newsArticles }
}export default News;

This is the easy bit. News.jsx takes the JSON data as its props and maps that to a block quote that display the title and the date.


import React from ‘react’;
import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;
import News from ‘./News’;let props = JSON.parse(document.getElementById(‘props’).innerHTML);ReactDOM.render(
<News newsData={ props } />,

Nothing too unusual here in importing our component and mounting it to a div. This line:

let props = JSON.parse(document.getElementById(‘props’).innerHTML);

will get our JSON data which we pass as props. We’ll cover how this gets populated in routes/routes.js.


<!doctype html>
<title>Isomorphic React with node.js</title>
<link href=’' rel=”stylesheet”>
<div class=”container”><h1 id=”main-title”>Isomorphic React with node.js</h1><br /><br /><div id=”news-mount”><%- output %></div></div><script type=”application/json” id=”props”><%- jsonProps %></script><script src=”/newsClient.js”></script></body>

If you’re this far down the article then you probably know what the above does. The only two things we've added over a traditional React application are

<div id="news-mount"><%- output %></div>

The output tag will take the News components rendered html which we will pass through in our routes.js.

<script type=”application/json” id=”props”><%- jsonProps %></script>

Remember that line in our News_Client.jsx where we parsed JSON out of a div? Well this is where we set it. Again we will pass through jsonProps in our routes.js.

/routes/routes.js — Where the magic happens

If you found the rest of the code simple and easy to follow then this is going to be no different. Let’s take a look at our route.

var React = require(‘react’);
var ReactDOMServer = require(‘react-dom/server’);
var request = require(‘request’);
var url = require (‘url’);
News = React.createFactory(require(‘../components/News’).default);module.exports = function(app) {app.get(‘/’, function(req, res) {request(‘http://localhost:8888/news.json', function(err, resp, body) {var html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(News({ newsData: JSON.parse(body) }));res.render(‘index.ejs’, { output: html, jsonProps: body });


To render our component server side we first need to include it

News = React.createFactory(require(‘../components/News’).default);

What follows will be wrapped in a request request (? really) that will be executed once we have got our news data.

The following line takes our component and with React’s built in function, renders it to a string, passing the JSON data from the request as the newsData property.

var html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(News({ newsData: JSON.parse(body) }));

Remember those variables in our view file? This is where we pass them. We will pass our string rendered React component and the JSON data to our view.

res.render(‘index.ejs’, { output: html, jsonProps: body });

That’s it

And we’re done. If you CD to your project directory and run

node app.js

it will start the server up on http://localhost:8888

If you view source (not inspect element), you’ll notice your news titles and dates rendered in the code, good or what!

Additionally, you’ll notice if you comment out

<script src=”/newsClient.js”></script>

In views/index.ejs your news title and dates still get rendered.

I hope you enjoyed this article and can see that isomorphic React doesn't have to be hard! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments.



Tom Howell

Front end developer and aspiring entrepreneur trying to do something memorable.