Upwork profile: Popular projects

How to Freelance
2 min readNov 23, 2019


Upwork introduced new profile section — Popular projects. It is good place to show your offers and cases for clients. You can add up to 3 items with Title, Description, Skills and Price Range.

Previously, I advised add possible cases and predict client wishes in arcticle about filling profile. From now it is better to show cases in new Popular projects section. You can add up to 3 items. My projects example:

  • MVP Prototype: Flutter (iOS Android) mobile app;
  • Production-ready: Flutter (iOS Android) mobile app;
  • All-in-one: Flutter mobile app + Back-end.

I decided to separate my case by price range, however it also good idea to separate them by technologies stack or functionality.

Each item have next fields:


More information about freelance on Upwork you can find in free eBook “Upwork Tips & Tricks“. For example:

  • How to fill a profile?
  • How to write Cover Letter?
  • How to achieve Top Rated?
  • Much more.

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Originally published at https://howtofreelance.net on November 23, 2019.

