4 Steps To Write a Blog Post that Ranks & Makes Money For You

Mr Wikki Reviews
2 min readMay 4, 2023


Are you ready to start your blogging business and make enough money to say goodbye to your job? If so, I’m here to share with you the exact formula that helps you rank your blog post higher on Google, drive massive traffic and generate amazing revenue.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Let me tell you some principles that will help you succeed in this endeavor:

1:- Choose a Niche with Low Competition

Choose a common niche with low competition and become an expert in it. Focus on one topic from beginning to end, so that you can compete with the top bloggers on Google and write comprehensive information about it. Remember, people visit blogs when they want to learn something new or find answers to their problems — if you have a great grip on your topic, they’ll keep coming back for more!

2:- Ask Questions and Answer Them

Asking thoughtful questions at the end of each paragraph helps clarify the purpose of your writing — if you don’t ask questions, readers won’t know what they should expect from the blog post. Improve your questioning habits and make sure they are relevant to your niche — this will boost engagement with readers and increase traffic.

3:- Content is King

Don’t write a blog post unless it’s great — or at least edit it afterwards. Writing poor content won’t make much progress — so write really great content instead, because this is what will drive revenue ultimately.

4:- Quality over Quantity

Focus more on quality than quantity when it comes to blog posts — it doesn’t matter how long or short they are as long as they’re good. Of course, quantity does play an important role in terms of ranking and driving consistent traffic from search engines — but still prioritize quality over all else!


