How I made $5000 from Blogger in 6 Months Only

Mr Wikki Reviews
2 min readApr 12, 2023


HI! my name is Waqas and I am a blogger. I started my blog called “Mr. Wikki Reviews” on Blogger with a dream of earning money online. Initially, I didn’t have any experience in blogging, and I had no idea how to make money through it. But I was determined to make it work.

I started my blog by writing reviews on various products, services, and gadgets. I researched the market and found out what people were looking for. Then, I started creating quality content that would appeal to my audience.

At first, my blog wasn’t getting any traffic, and I didn’t earn any money from it. But I didn’t give up. I kept writing quality content and promoting my blog on social media platforms.

After a few weeks, I started seeing some traffic on my blog. People started reading my reviews, and I started getting comments and feedback. This motivated me to keep writing quality content.

As the traffic increased, I started looking for ways to monetize my blog. I joined various affiliate programs and started placing affiliate links on my blog. I also started placing ads on my blog using Google AdSense.

Within six months, my blog started earning me a decent income. I was making around $5000 per month, which was way beyond my expectations. I was thrilled that my hard work had paid off.

I continued to improve my blog by adding more quality content and promoting it on social media platforms. I also started networking with other bloggers in my niche, which helped me to learn more about blogging and earn even more money.

Today, my blog is one of the top blogs in my niche, and it continues to grow. I am grateful for my success and the opportunities that blogging has given me. I hope my story will inspire others who are looking to make money online through blogging.

