Prototype 4

Kevin Ho
2 min readOct 29, 2021


The “platform” prototype

This fourth prototype encompassed the previous three prototypes. The goal of this prototype was to look at the different platforms the game could exist on. What would the user experience look like on a computer versus your phone versus on a console? Unlike user experience, this prototype is meant to serve as a way to facilitate the different mediums in which this project could be built on.

Figure 1: Desktop game.

I did a prototype for a desktop version and a mobile version. I did originally think about doing a prototype for a console version, but the premise of the game did not make sense in that context. The main things were to include a visualization of what the game would look like depending on the context it would be played. The key to understanding which one works better is to understand the player. That’s where research will come in; however, given the nature of the game, I can make an educated guess and say that a mobile version of the game would have more interactivity.

Figure 4: Mobile game.

I believe the format and ease-of-use of a mobile game is a better option overall. This prototype helped me to understand how the game would look and play on different devices. A desktop game could be better for more detail and immersion; a mobile game could be better for on-the-go, easier interactions. Until I begin prototyping the UX, the platform in which the game could be made can go either way.

Onto the next.



Kevin Ho

Take a peak into this grad student’s “Major Studio 1” Medium.