Data Life Cycle Analysis

The future of profession of architecture practice

HoYin Lui
12 min readApr 8, 2019

Hoyin Lui, Bingqing Chen

RCA MA Architecture Year 2

Word count: 2722


The skyline of metropolitan cities is filled up with high-rise office blocks and mixed-use towers which is no longer only a vision from last century films but an on-going urban environment trends for efficient communication between big enterprises and better collaboration between different disciplines. Our practice stands individually as a research group of environmental data analysis at the same time share free data resources for subscriber architecture firms and individual designers. Membership fees are subscribed to project aimed and designed building performance analysis and optimization.

Data Life Cycle Analysis is a multi-disciplinary architectural practice that analysis, as a primary value proposition, open source environmental data to inform design decisions. Sun light is our primary environmental data resources (EPW environmental data) which informs lighting, temperature and humidity in building performance. Our job is not limited to the planning and construction stages of the building but extensively participated with building maintenance and building life cycle.

How we work

Our firm is teamed up with two director architects who are equipped with management working background, three computer scripting skilled architects (C/C++ experience)and three data analytics. We work with subscribed individuals (developers, potential users and volunteers) at early stages of planning projects. Each subscriber will receive a sensor for collecting real time data which will be then send back to our server for front stage data categorization and analyses. We use these collected data for providing substantial graphics for understanding the objectives of the projects, therefore, informs design decisions; as well as encouraging risk management in lump sums and future maintenance.

We also work with architecture schools for student scripting skills training and computing modelling tools and simulators development.


Managing architect (Human resource; MBA background)

Analytical architect (Bs Computer science and Bs Architecture; Coding skills for data visualization background)

Product designer (Computer Science and Design product background)

Software engineer (Java/Http language for data storage on cloud and dedicated sources access for architecture firms)


An tangible data platform for an increasingly determinate context and out come based design practice.

Our business model

What kind of data?

Real-time collected micro-environmental data (sunlight & wind) through our provided sensors. The data collected is time including time (second, minute, hour) and geo-location and absolute height from sea level.

How to collect these data?

The information is collected from individual citizen in London, we provide sensor for them to put on top of their apartment/roof top, collecting 24/7 real-time data for our platform. We purchase the sensor from a third party and give to subscribed users and volunteers for free.

Who are these data for?

Our clients are existing architecture firms whose projects aim for high rise office blocks and mixed use towers in UK. The current environmental data that architects use are GIS, EPW (Weather data for simulation). Most architects are currently using EPW data for generating different design schemes correlate to sun light directly from grasshopper 3D (Environmental simulation for CAD software). However, GIS is seen as a more complete recorded database not only for architects’ reference but for a wide range of application. All the information of environmental data we collected will remain 100% transparent online real-time. Only when on demand service, like architectural project submission to us for tailor make advisory and converting data into visual that inform design decision per project, that will cost money.

How we treat these data?

Say no to charts and numbers

Environmental data has always been a crucial part of architecture design in achieving high energy performance building as well as cost saving schemes for construction and maintenance. [1] Yet, available online resources normally comes in charts forms which is hard to translate into 3D language and directly use in generating design and hence inform design decisions in accurate modelling programs.

Available online environmental data and resources for architecture firms

Therefore, our practice as a design consultant agency helps architects in understanding the environmental data by transform environmental data into algorithm script and hence generate computer graphic visualization for each design.

After the data has been uploaded to our in-house server via internet, our data analytics and scripting architects will focus on transforming them into EPW and GIS file format.

Batch data processing system will be used to generate charts, patterns as well as 3D graphics for weekly data analysis output. These figures and graphs will be renewed and available to be viewed on our website every Monday. The idea of transforming numbered data resources to graphical form is similar to 3rd Party GUI graphical user interface programs such as Openstudio, to have graphical reports by providing our scripting architects with an input data file.

  1. Currently architects make computer modelling and run environmental simulation to fit BREEAM standards. The limitations of computer modeling lies in getting unreliable data resource from third party (not-up-to-date or in-accurate data resources) because most architectural firm do not have the knowledge on using data collection technology to produce a more updated reliable environmental data resource. Therefore, our platform provide substantial environmental data resource for the architects to access for real-time simulation, the architects can be trained in this process for fitting in the fast growing technology in architecture and design industry. However, we realize the limitation of computer modeling and simulation.
  2. How to improve our data accuracy

Set Data Quality Goals

Avoid Overloading

Review the Data

Automate Error Reports

Adopt Accuracy Standards

It is suggested that more advanced data processing can occur with image processing, a technique developed in the late 1960 s by NASA and the private sector to provide contrast enhancement, false color rendering and a variety of other techniques including use of two dimensional Fourier transforms. We use weekly reports and run multiple calculations for average results and simulations according to different sets of data obtained from sensors to improve precision and reliability for our environmental database.


Architecture firm membership fee and funding from architecture school for student skills training including management, scripting and data analysis basics.


online access of data (Free)

Tailor make project, analysis critical report graph (Charged)

  1. Most data will be sourced from the provided sensors, by which means we source ourselves and the kit provided will be light catching sensor from 3rd party companies and adjust and precision tested by our product designers and data analytics. These sensors will then be distributed to subscribers and building maintenance contractors.
  2. Some CAD programs, Rhinoceros 3D Grasshopper 3D, AutoCad 3D

Working stages correlated 1,2,3&7

From concept design to in-use evaluation

Work Flow

RIBA working stages correlation

Our firm hence stands outside these numerous architecture firms however works closely with architects and developers on early project scheme generation from generative modelling with collected sun light data (stage 1&2), simulation running with input BREEAM standards for building performance and environmental analysis (stage 3) and in use (stage 7) part for beneficial loop of user feedback for building maintenance contractors to take further actions and adaptation to make their buildings more suitable for the people who use them, less damaging to the natural environment and a better long-term investment.

Because we see data as the outcomes of design as well as the initial of design, at the same time, technology is no longer a separate part from design which instead serves as automated design generators and backstage simulators for testing certain building performance. [4] While taking part in the building planning stages our practice extends our work and responsibility beyond the working stages such as help designing the life cycle of buildings and training of next generation architects who are multi-disciplinary skilled. Therefore, our working stages start to extend the RIBA plan of work with -1 and +8.

Use of the existing modelling and simulation tools

Lots of architects currently work with grasshoppers which is a visual programming language in computing design process. The banal design decisions based on individual aesthetics and tastes have been replaced by environmental data generative design solutions. Multiple designs will be generated at the same time with substantial environmental data and GIS information.

Our practice works closely with architecture firms to give them adequate real time sun light data collected from sensors installed on top of the roofs of neighboring towers and small buildings.

We provide sensors to individual property holders for them to put on their roof top in order to collect real time sun light data (micro-climate). The real time sun light data is uploaded from the installed sensors into our in-house server via internet and analyzed per week to produce visualized sun light patterns and diagrams to review micro climate in different spots in London. On demand environmental evaluation testing will run under tailored design strategy, which will be available for paid subscriber architecture firms based on their own design. We take the real time data and the computer modelling into simulation programs to take in consider sun lighting effect on the façade and natural lighting for the interior of the high rises to optimize the building performance before its construction stages begin.

Lighting data collection and analysis for in use building performance on energy use and carbon emission accordance to HEA 01 visual comfort

The assessment set aside to ensure day lighting, artificial lighting and occupant controls are considered at the design stage to ensure best practice in visual performance and comfort for building occupants. The assessment is delivered in four aspects:

Glare control

Day lighting

View out

Internal and external lighting

Through working with building maintenance contractors, our practice provides measuring kit for interior lighting analysis hence provide chart for daily electricity usage on interior lighting. User survey will be conducted through apps designed for collecting user geo-location within the building, natural lighting efficiency and interior lighting usage. The results will be evaluated and feed back to the building maintenance contractors and the clients for stage 7 building POE work. Higher energy performance and energy efficiency will be achieved through minor change in façade shading systems and interior lighting change.

Stage 1,2,3 Design Strategy Case Study

Many buildings do not perform as planned — in some cases this can impact on running costs, staff and client satisfaction and performance, health, safety and comfort. For repeat construction clients, learning from and correcting past mistakes in design and commissioning of buildings can be extremely cost-effective and greatly improve workplace productivity.

“There is another way: shifting the value propositions of practice from selling time to creating results for clients.” Phil Bernstein

The 20 Fenchurch Street whose nickname is Walkie Talkie has been criticized by numerous medias and individuals (POE)because of its wind tunnel effects and death ray for the surrounding streets and stores. The curved façade responds to the clients demand for higher floor areas at the top level of the building for higher commercial value. However, the top heavy shape and glass façade cause downdraught effects and channeling wind as well as reflect and concentrate the scorched sun light which causes damage on the streets and nearby property. Further façade construction have took place on the entire south side of the 500ft tower with black netting to reduce the glare caused by its unique glass architecture focusing solar beams onto streets below.

The architect admitted the facts of lack of independent verification of wind studies to ensure rigorous and resilient approach although the problems have been identified during the design stages. Another claims he made for this design mistake is a lack of appropriate tools or software to analysis the precise effect. The mis-judge of predict temperature was 36 degrees instead of 72 which is double of the mis-prediction but is the true temperature factors for the sun light hitting the glass panels.

People being glared by the sun in a particular patch of the street at the same time of day

Another predictable factors that influence design and city planning is the rapid climate change all over the world. One design issue relates to the failure of Walkie Talkie responds to this concern of the environment. Without taking substantial and precise prediction into design consideration, architecture firms are unlikely to provide big scale building schemes that will stand for decades or centuries with high environmental responsibility.

Octopus (sun light simulator plugin in Grasshopper) for analyzing sun light and shading on 3D model facade
Using real time sun light data and computer simulator (Octopus) for building facade analysis
Facade shading system redesigning solution for Walkie Talkie, material decision input by the environmental analyzed data.

By running sun light simulation in our program which uses the collected data for generating colour coded sun light and shade analysis, it is clear that the south face of Walkie Talkie receives high sun light exposure (red and orange panels) where sun shades and change in building orientation should be considered before construction procedure.

Below is a Grasshopper program plugin for generating multiple design solutions for a tower design with multiple objective optimization which is limited by footprint area but aiming for largest floor areas however minimum direct sun light on facade and minimum shadow dropped on the surroundings.

Stage 7 POE Case study — WeWork

Data influences WeWork’ real estate deals, construction sequences and design decisions. It works as designing with facts and figures, where the design process is more focused on using technology (Human behavior data) as design decision making, therefore rather than aiming for the irritant aesthetic appearance, the group is designing for the best user-friendly in-door environment from facts. [1]

The study of WeWork business model indicates that the performance of employees and how people work is hugely related and effected by physical environment which could be concluded more specifically as behavioral data collected from sensors and fully monitored spaces. WeWork suggests how behavioral data indicates early planning and design decisions within building interior and existing built environment and what should the future of architecture profession focus on. At the same time there is a certain level of balance between precision and privacy when WeWork collect data from employees and members in order to assure only behavior patterns and aggregated insights will be the data products for gauging the efficiency of its work spaces.

Instead of collecting behavioral data for re-configuring interior spaces, our practice work with all stakeholders for collecting micro climate GIS data as well as interior environmental data for POE analysis and feedback.

A demanding amount of up-leveled skilled architects based on data and tech-dominated era is acquired for the future of profession. When architects pick up a new set of skills, their decision making in design will be more precise, which they can always refer their reasoning to facts and figures not from a biased personal point of view. Architecture can become more important when providing designs with an aimed achievement figure per design with numbers.Our practice work closely with BREEAM and LEED for analyzing building in-use as well as post occupancy evaluation with substantial and real time environmental data. The ENE 03 Lighting sets aside the basic standards for obtaining energy efficient credit from external and internal lighting systems. Ever since the introducing of BREEAM standard from 1990 into architectural design and built environmental analysis, architects no longer stand and work outside the tangible and rapid change environmental context. Being environmental responsive and adaptive become the core of current architecture design.

ENE standards for energy usage and efficiency relate to internal and external lighting
ENE 03 external lighting evaluation standards and criteria

Our practice takes part in troubleshoot building and informing planning and briefing for in-use building internal alterations under POE via collecting interior lighting data and occupants survey. Monthly questionnaires and interviews will be conducted with mobile apps on visual comfort in both natural lighting and artificial lighting. Sensors for evaluating internal lighting quality and energy efficiency related to electrical lighting will be installed and monitored 24 hours within the entire building.

Suggestions on internal work space alterations will be given upon analysed environmental data (internal lighting from electrical lighting and natural lighting) and user feedback from mobile apps to clients and building maintenance contractors for minor facade adaptation and internal lighting update.


Data life cycle analysis is here to support architecture design by using environmental data and computer technology for environmental friendly high rise office blocks and high commercial value mixed use towers which are changing the skyline of our city. The future of architecture practice now has the opportunity to be empowered by data and predictive and simulate tools for designing better building performance as well as higher value for clients and users who are the stakeholders being responsible of collecting data for building internal alteration and adaptation to improve energy efficiency and in-use building performance.

[1] Anne, Q. (2019). WeWork Is Retraining a Generation of Architects to Think in Terms of Data. [online] metropolis. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2019].

[2] Citizen Sense. (2019). Urban Sensing | Citizen Sense. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2019].

[3] Khan, Azam & Hornbæk, Kasper. (2011). Big data from the built environment. LARGE’11 — Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Research in the Large. 10.1145/2025528.2025537.

[4] Phil, B. (2018). Why the field of architecture needs a new business model. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2019].

